Yoz! it had been quite a very long time before i go blogging! First thing to begin with with : HAPPY NEW YEAR! hahas...paiseh ar, 18 days later then wish everyone.LOLS. All the past and sweet memories will be kept deep in my heart! Especially the times i spend together with my secondary friends.. my cool 2E2 gang and chao high-spirited 405' 2007! So hope that everyone and i will have a happy, fun, bright, exciting and memorable year ahead! Next is the NYJC orientation! Scared. Nervous. Excited. First day was a day which i could feel that i am as though a P6 student in a totally new environment. Anws, i managed to know my OG mates..they are quite friendly, fun-loving and quite high! We were all like looking after one another=)) We also did the mass dance which i thought it was really difficult to catch it.lols. Anws, the dance is 1 gal and 1 guy. So yup, i paired up with joshua! The 2nd day of the orientation was quite enjoyable and fun! We had our mass dance session and i paired up...
Showing posts from January, 2008