
Showing posts from January, 2009
Yoz! Happy Chinese NIU Year! Haha it comes so quick yah and tmr, or rather later gg to school again. hehex anws quite enjoyed myself during CNY=) For 除夕, my whole family, ah ma, gong gong and all my relatives went to Bottle Tree Park for reunion dinner! Haha my family reached there the earliest:) So many ppl there! And we walked around to take a look at the place. Quite nice :) So when everyone reached, we went into the restaurant to makan! Whee. I was so "proud" of our big family! Haha bcoz for the first dish was 捞余生 and we, all the people from the 4 tables stood up tgt and 捞! Haha. 场面 seemed 浩大,everyone was looking at usXD Haha. So after dinner, i went back with my parents and helped my mother 洗靠近门的地板 XD OH YA, earlier on, i helped to wipe all the wall in the living room and the doors :D Then i stayed up until 3 plus, watching tv and using comp. to help my parents 守岁(shld be this chi character XD) :) Next day, our whole family went to my ah ma's hse to meet up with all ...
Yoz!好久没 blog le! Hahas.. okay most unforgettable event was that 有一天,我泻肚子六次XD。。。几天后又再泻多几次。。。整身软绵绵XD Didn't go see doctor though and i suspected i had stomach fluXD Nevertheless, i have recovered=) First day of sch, 12 Jan, went to sch for briefing for the year 2009 and later went to sec sch to promote ny by giving postcards=) Mr Tan accompanied the 12 of us. He very good!=) Helped us to give postcards too XD Haha. Then after that, went to Cafe Cartel with pj,jane,jiayan,junyi,clement,ack and tiang for lunch. Home sweet home=) Then is the ny open house the next day! Haha i was acting as 皇后=) At times, there were less visitors but sometimes had alot of people streaming into the school. I felt abit nervous due to first time performing..not singing but acting. hehe. The experience was great=) Junyi even 特地 came to ny from cj to see my scene 4 with yong chang after looking the video which Rose had recorded during our rehearsal XD Anws thanks yah=) Proper school life finally started! J2 ...