
Showing posts from March, 2011
Time to focus on studies.
伤了第一颗, 我已经很内疚 再伤了第二颗, 我无比内疚 我的选择是好还是坏? 时间会证明. 如果我的选择是好,那就好 如果我的选择是坏,我会后悔不已 时间会证明. I finally managed to take some time to run in the park (: It is always the place for me to rethink and reflect and I felt pretty good after that. I realised that 有些事情不能顺其自然, 要做就赶快做, 要不然就会白白失去. On a brighter note, I am finally discharged! (: In addition, 8.1 reunited today! :D
First time attending JJ concert and it was simply awesome!:D Totally immensed in all his songs and totally rocked with him and xiao jing teng!!:DD Tears also rolled down at some point of time too xD I am really inspired by JJ's words and what he sang(: Instead of losing motivation bcoz there is no more JJ concert to look forward to alrdy, I should rmb what JJ had said and 把它化为推动力 :D JJ, you have leave an imprint in my heart and you will be part of the source of motivation for me :D I think I have 真正了解 what do you mean by I AM (: Jiayou JJ! All of us will always be here for you! 你最棒! ^^ Remember " For when I AM weak, then I AM strong "