
Showing posts from November, 2011
Felt so much better after saying all out to Candice! (: Looking forward to dec! :D
This time, I will cherish it..(:
This morning, I went with jamie to Mrs Yeap's wake at the church. And what a coincidence that I met CL there too! He was there to help out for his friend's wedding though. After walking around the church area, we managed to find the room where Mrs Yeap was, and we became realy solemn. In there, we silently prayed for her and went forward to see Mrs Yeap one last time. Tears welled up. I regretted not having to wish her happy teachers' day this year. Mrs Yeap, thanks for your guidance during my 4 years in XMC, especially when I was the choir president then. Although you are strict, but that's bcoz you care for us; Although you always insisted us to put on thick red lipstick, but that's bcoz you wanted us to look best in public; Although you scolded us, but that's becoz you love us, Xinmin Chorale. RIP Mrs Yeap. Remembering you, always.
Some questions are meant to be unanswered.
Had a good chat with Nich and BK just now (:
The very first movie that I can closely relates to. Meaning within a meaning.
Slow but steady.
I am sorry that I created huge problem for you, I am sorry that I failed to help you. I am even sorry that you have to help me explain. I know I didn't care enough, but i will, try.