
Showing posts from August, 2012

As the new academic year begins,

and as the tough might get tougher, I will hold on to my goal, press on and do my ^ very best =) I have not regretted how I spent my past three month holiday and will not forget the experiences and incidents I had during those period of time. My holiday is certainly more fulfilling and worthwhile compared to the last time:) ...In the making of a meaningful and satisfying half a year ahead ;) *I can and I will*

Comfort Zone

Like a boy-girl relationship, friendship also have its stages- Comfort stage. It's really nice to have a bunch of very close friends whom you are comfortable in talking to, playing with and sharing own troubles with them. But sometimes, when too comfortable, one will forget to be as appreciative as before or might take certain things for granted. I have to admit that I do act and behave in this way at times too.. When proactive actions become reactive and that more actions can be seen when push comes to shove.. And so, it's time to step out of comfort zone, and learn to put words into action when saying about appreciating friendship.

Happy Birthday, Singapore! =))

Once again, 9 August, but this year 2012. It's Singapore's independence day, her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Singapore! =D It was really a shock to me when I heard about those rumours. Really prayed hard that it is not true..=S Hope to see him at the NDP parade tmr..=)