
Showing posts from July, 2014

Teacher without border.

For the one month since I started out working, I felt the greatest sense of satisfaction from doing volunteering work for school and public over the past weekend:)  (although I feel that I could have contribute more) I wish I can do more, to influence and better lives, be it physically or mentally. That's why I hope to learn some first-aid skill (somewhere in the future) to protect/save lives, besides bettering the skill of educating to inculcate right values in people. The thought of doctors without border came to my mind, and I wondered if there is teachers without border too. To my surprise, there actually is!:D But ohh man how I wish the 4-year bond doesn't exist, and that I am free to make any further decision for this stage of my life:/ Nevertheless, Ming Hui let's be optimistic! I should start out by focusing on influencing and bettering lives locally, before I can do so internationally right?? :) When the time comes such that I am able to put down cer...

Just, for you:)

Came across this oldie song by 范瑋琪 while I was browsing videos for my lesson xD Specially dedicating it to my three closest and most important friends/sisters in my life:) Thanks for always being there for me: mq, pj and lev:))

Light it up.

突然有莫总冲动想要做内心想做的事情。 Perhaps, it is my current missing fellow course mate in Cambodia who shrugs me awake about the thoughts I am having. Suddenly, I realized that something I am not quite yet done doing what I love to do. Where's my passion towards baking gone to? Why do I contain my passion for music or dance? Why didnt I go and sign up for guitar/piano lessons and yoga/zumba? Or perhaps, it is that blue note book. Just awhile ago, I chanced upon a book which I had recorded about my past efforts and reflections during my JC journey, with many of the ups and downs, and of course, many self-motivation I have given myself during the stressful period of time. I felt kinda sad that the pagees after that were blanks as I did not continue filling them up during my uni journey. Now, I hope that I can keep these efforts and reflection alive and going by continue penning down aspirations about the next stage of my life. Hope that I would be half or more than half done doing what ...

Putting things into perspectives.

A good chat under the night sky after the run:) However, it seems that my "stubborness" has somehow rejected listening to other POVs, which creates conflict with my personal belief and "un-confidence." Sometimes, seeking to be understood is much more complex than seeking to understand. And it hurts a little and feels sense of discomfort when you fail to be understood. Perhaps, I should seek first to understand (understand situation at a deeper level from different perspectives), in order to be understood. Or perhaps,  I just need to open my heart to put the things into different perspectives. Yes, I can.

First Day.

Just a shout-out here. I should have expected that my first day of school would not be that easy. I was literally overwhelmed by everything that just come to me, with at least 5 teachers looking for me to discuss certain issues and some teachers who becomes kinda unfriendly and have words within their words (and many other incidents).  Monday blues, maybe? First day of school. 12 hours in school. Madness. #I am just saying..xD  On the brighter note, I am glad to have left my school laptop in school, because that means no work at home. It feel even more shiok using my acer laptop doing other non work-related stuff :) This should be the way (but I hope I wont have to stay back till late to finish my stuff just because I want to leave school laptop in school xD) Already missing the days of fun with my bestest friends and penguin.   Nevertheless, I feel better after typing out my thoughts. Thank you, my blog :)