
Showing posts from July, 2015

Another happy memory:)

Everything just seems to fall almost perfectly during the past long weekend. From the staycation @ MBS with not too packed itinerary, to (convincing and) bringing my parents to River Safari & Zoo to see pandas and koala bears respectively, to having some "me" time to explore SAM (bcoz of school's stuff) and "strolling around", to finally having (rare) dinner outside with my brother ...Ah.:) I wish that more of these can happen, and I know that effort and time are needed to be put in, in exchange for such sweet memories:)) Cherish time. Treasure memories. :) 


A reminder to self that I should treasure every little moment with all my closest people together, and to enjoy those little moments. Sometimes, we are overly concerned by the things lie ahead of us, and we forgot to sit back, relax and live in the moment. Today, I thought it would be a super gloomy working day with aching muscles. I told myself (and bf reminded me again) to take everything in its stride and let the flow goes without "over-exerting" too much. The effect? The end of the day turns out to be a pretty good Monday:) 惜福 Tend to be more sensitive to issues concerning cancer recently, and tears might well up once in awhile. Hope sj's dad's condition will stabalize soon. Jiayou sj's dad and sj's family.