
Showing posts from August, 2020

Change, the only constant in life.

The past 2 weeks of study at campus was refreshing but it wasn't exactly as enjoyable as what I envisioned it would be. Although the physical landscape of the familiar campus remains pretty much the same, other things have changed. A part of me have always wanted to be young (at heart) like the uni students and to immerse myself in the interesting experiences they have. I thought it is just a pure wish that normal people would want, I mean, who wouldn't wish to go back to the most carefree stage of life? However, the recent trips back to the campus made me realised that as much as I try to emulate, I will still be at the stage of life that I am right now. This made me realise that perhaps, a part of me is stuck at that stage of life 10 years ago, the most bittersweet one I ever had. It also felt as if I wanted to go back to campus to 'override' something that I was unhappy about, and to reminisce the happiest moments that I had.   Then, I realised I have to accept chang...


I recalled reading the article about a migrant worker who attempted to harm himself and watching the video of his co-workers persuading him to climb back to safety. I couldn't help but tear. I am not too sure why I reacted that way, but I just felt heartbroken to see that happening. Still being in the midst of Covid-19 situation, I realised that most of us (including myself) have taken the freedom to leave house for granted as we tried to 'resume' our daily activities. On the other hand, there is a big group of people, migrant workers, who are still 'stuck' inside their dormitories. Recalling how much some of us had grumbled about staying at home 24/7 several months back, can we imagine how much these migrant workers have to go through thousand miles away from their loved ones? Can we just be a little kinder in our words and tone to the people we met and see? I have recently caught the movie, Unhinged, and even though the movie seemed a little extreme, it highlights...