
Showing posts from May, 2008
Yoz! Ahh..really lonnnngggg time no post! Hahaha... okay loads of things happening in my life for the past few weeks! I may forget some of the details but nvm, let's go on=) 0820 Class gathering! People present: Miss Tan, Mr Harold, Edeline, Ivy, Jia yan, Marie, Lynette, Amanda, Ying Chen, A.C.K, Ben, Jin Hoe, See Clement, Tiang Yong and I went to AMK area to eat steamboat. Marie and I didn't eat coz we ate beforehand. So we went to window shop around the AMK area! Hahahs. So , we took alot of pictures while steam boating.LOLS. My part of Class 0820=) My Buddy and I =) ALAF-ing Part of 0820 girls=D Tiang Yong,Clement and A.C.K Mr Harold, Jun Yi, Benjamin and Jin Hoe 23 may 2008, Friday GP TEST! I could still vividly rmbed how nervous I was for the past few days before this exam! Haha..I rmbed when we were waiting for Jamie and Rachael outside the toilet near the tennis court, I saw HW lao shi! Hahahas.. mixture of * surprise* and *happiness*. LOLS. He told me to jia you for m...
Yoz! It had been a long time since i last blogged. Last saturday was NAPFA test and after that levina, lynette, jia yan, puijun, jia ying, yi ning, Ivy and I went out tgt for lunch. Levina She can be a biao1 zhun3 model la! 170 plus cm in height and rather shou4. We were all Andd Ivy was cute too. Hahas. Anws, we went to Pizza Hut XD. Yi ning actually wanted to treat all of us de. But it was like so expensive la, over a hundred dollar so we said we paid ourselves. After negotiation, we only paid abit of money to him. Haha, we gals are not so bad to let him pay all okay. XD. After that, we gals went window shopping at Plaza Sing. with yi ning following -.-" We even went to THIS FASHION to shop too! I saw quite alot of clothing and accessories which were so suited to Ivy and i urged her to try on. Hahas. I kan4 zhong4 1 dress with Ivy and we went to try it on. LOLS. Fast forward...Shop and walk, shop and walk and finally i decided to went home. Okay let's...
Yoz! Last wednesday, we had attended a talk on defence in Singapore as well as SAF in the school hall until 3p.m and had no time to makan lunch. So we juz went for CCS activity. How wei lao shi bought biscuits for us to eat though. He is so nice. Haha. This made me think of Miss Tan too coz she once bought us bread when we did not have lunch due to Mr Tan using our break for GP lesson. Anws, the activity was the election. I decided not to take part though after much consideration. Yan You and I even went up to cancel our names. But in the end, bk and some others callled out my name. How wei lao shi and pan lao shi encouraged me to go for it lohx. So i went up so that i won't gu1 fu4 them. Okay i was rather nervous. I dun noe wad to say. Just introduced myself and said wad is the post i want in exco. This was juz the first round. Second round was the Q & A session. Anyone could ask the qns. When it was my turn, i couldn't answer well. In the end, it was not surprised that i ...