It's another week again! Cant believe it's the 3rd of week of school! Well, more or less adjusted to the uni life alrdy but still feel a little uneasy. Haha. Today had resource mgmt lesson. As usual, it's quite chim and philosophical:X Hope i can pass the term test sia. Then i went to meet up with mq for lunch.. subway!!:DD Yay i hope there will be more chances we can eat tgt with sj too!

After that, i went for my last lesson for the day, geog lect:D I really enjoyed geog lect! Prof Chang always didn't fail to make the lessons interesting and funny! Every lesson sure will laugh one xD Omg today i learn SAMPLING in geog lect!! The different methods of samplings found in maths lect notes in JC!! Haha woo yay maths is still very useful to me!:D So for the most part of the lesson, i was recapping my maths topic on sampling xD

Oh ya.. my left knees is suffering from more pain:X Probably after running the day before. And today is runner's club de weekly run! Don't know want to go anot.. still in the midst of consideration about it xD

Today is Ling Ling jie 飞去中国的第二天! Hope she is doing fine there..


Good nite! (:


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