
Showing posts from March, 2012

Love language

What is love? "Love is seeing an imperfect person perfectly" "Love is embracing differences and discovering ways in which to build a common lifestyle, share decision-making, and taking equal responsibility for the results."  It not only applies to just a boy-girl relationship, but also to family as well as close friends (8.1)(: Then, what is love language? There are five love languages:  •Words of Affirmation This is when you build your boyfriend/family/friends' self image and confidence by affirming them through words verbally. •Quality Time Some people believe doing things together and focusing in on one another is the best way to show love. •Gifts It is universal in human cultures to give gifts. They don't have to be expensive to send a powerful message of love.  •Acts of Service Discovering how you can best do something for your boyfriend/family/friends will require time, effort and creativity. These acts of service need to be done wit...
I just need to focus more and get down to real tasks as a work smart-work hard student for just less than two months. Just that. Just do it *tick*
I am grateful for the many things that we had gone through together, bettering each other and making our friendship stronger day by day. Thanks for being who you are, and making a great impact on my life. I believe that our friendship will last, if we keep on maintaining it (: 祝我们的友谊万岁! :D
Just how much more can I hang in there? Internal motivation is draining :S What will it become if one day, I just totally give up on trying bcoz I am really drained by the responsibility that I am carrying? But deep inside me, I know that I won't give up; I would like to prove to myself that I can do it, as long as it's within my own means. Even if it's not within my own means, I will give my best bcoz as long as I try, there will not be much regret. Back again, how come such a positive thought comes and goes when I am handling these stuff? Then, I begin to wonder why I agree to take up such a position, why I am working so hard for? I guess, to seriously say, I took on the position is more towards bcoz there are no other available choice to choose from. Perhaps, that's why I always got to struggle with that little devil in my head when things went wrong etc. Maybe my heart of being a C/H is just not totally there, yet. I am just merely trying to fulfill my task and resp...