It's no longer just about the 20 seconds of courage.

In certain situation, there is a need for a sudden burst of courage to get things done. Such example can be asking a person to give up a seat for another person, say a pregnant lady. Or, for a happier case, asking a person to be someone he/she really want to be with for life. As these situations have their own "location" and "time" to actually take place, there's a need for "that" moment of courage to say it out.

In other situation, it's no longer about needing such moments of courage to get things through. It's now about the confidence. Yes, I am talking about my inferior mouth which is lacking of "that" confidence. The one which would procrastinate to talk, and for many times, swallow the words which can be thrown out. That's probably can explain why I always respect/admire those people who speaks eloquently, always hoping to get inspired by them, and sometimes feeling inferior with their presence.  Up to a point when I sometimes feel disgusted about how others have taken advantage their eloquent speaking skill to smoke things through, I still couldn't get my inferior mouth to speak out as confidently as the rest can do.

Nevertheless, I am still glad  that my public speaking skill has at least shown some signs of improvement over the past 3 years+. I am thankful for the "training ground", I am thankful for "those" people who pushed me speak out, I am thankful for my belief about the "20 seconds of courage" (after I watched that inspiring movie).

Right now, I have to move on from just  "20 seconds of courage" to something called "SELF-confidence". I may be moving slowly, but I will not stop, trying.

Believe in myself, I can and I will :)


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