
Showing posts from August, 2014

Ignite Change:)

I am really really glad and grateful to have attended the 2-day course (thanks to gwen), for I discover more about myself, what I wish to do, and who I wish to become:) To say the truth, the past 2-day course was quite emotionally tough for me as I found myself needing to fight back against my tears when I listened to stories from instructors, friends, and fellow colleagues. It really got me thinking a lot about what I really want out of what I am learning and doing. Yvonne is my new inspiration- Many a time, I found myself having a roller coaster sort of feeling when I listened to her emotional stories. I am truly moved, inspired and enlightened. (However...Is it a 3-minute impulse? Am I up to it?) I never feel so motivated before ever since I entered into NIE. The thought that it fits so perfectly to the person I hope I can be and I can do is my greatest motivation right now to start my engine (which was faulty since 4 years ago). Of course, I do aware that it might be a great ...


It has been hectic week for me recently. Though tired and burnt out, I wouldnt trade it for anything else bcoz there will not be another round of such experiences again:) On the 4th August: I have finally GRADUATED!:') This is the day, not for myself, but for my dearest parents who were looking exceptionally happy and excited. I really loved seeing them beaming with joy as they witnessed my entire graduation day-  from wearing my graduation gowns to going up on stage & receive my grad cert to taking pictures together:') To say the truth, I was initially dreading the graduation ceremonies bcoz I was thinking how sad I would be not having alot of graduating friends to take pic tgt and yet, have to see the rest taking so many pictures with their other course mates :l However, my thoughts changed when my parents excitedly asking me how we were going to the campus and when I saw in the wadsapp how 8.1 were planning to meet me in NTU:') On this big day, I really fee...