
It has been hectic week for me recently. Though tired and burnt out, I wouldnt trade it for anything else bcoz there will not be another round of such experiences again:)

On the 4th August:
I have finally GRADUATED!:') This is the day, not for myself, but for my dearest parents who were looking exceptionally happy and excited. I really loved seeing them beaming with joy as they witnessed my entire graduation day-  from wearing my graduation gowns to going up on stage & receive my grad cert to taking pictures together:') To say the truth, I was initially dreading the graduation ceremonies bcoz I was thinking how sad I would be not having alot of graduating friends to take pic tgt and yet, have to see the rest taking so many pictures with their other course mates :l However, my thoughts changed when my parents excitedly asking me how we were going to the campus and when I saw in the wadsapp how 8.1 were planning to meet me in NTU:')

On this big day, I really feel blessed and blissful when I saw my may loved ones attended my convocation <3 comment-3:--="">

Thank you mum, dad  and brothers who had showered me with exceptional love and care in their own ways ever since I was born into this world; 

Thank you bf for your special love and sacrifice in one way or another ever since we met and got together; 

Thank you 8.1 for always supporting me and bringing out the craziest side of me to do crazy stuff together ever since we were 13 years old; 

Thank you pj for your laughter and listening ear whenever I need to ever since we knew each other in nyjc; 

Thank you xlt and Wendy for your fullest support and presence ever since we met each other in main comm

Ming Hui, let's not forget the love, care and concern given by your closest family and friends. Let's appreciate their little efforts, and not take them for granted.  Let's pay it forward, by giving them and the rest your care and support, just like how they did for you:)


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