The Balancing Act.

The first two months of the year has been quite a roller coaster ride for me as I have more responsibilities at hand and need to be readily prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. Nevertheless, I feel lucky to have some 贵 人 around, to support and cheer me up somehow when I am feeling down and stressed. I am also quite glad that I have overcome the "frustrated-with- my-mentor" stage and have a closer relationship working with her:) I used to be silently turned off by what she did and said, however, I am glad that my patience has made me realized and see her from another positive perspective, and I am really pretty proud of that:))

I used to my posting to CGSS for granted and was hoping to be transferred out of this school because I am alone. Nevertheless, through the conversation I heard from my practicum friends (they are in the same school), I feel fortunate that I do not have to face with the huge challenges with students and colleagues, or least not as much. I really appreciate when my students respect and give me the opportunities to share with them my personal experiences, cheer for me when they are impressed/inspired by what I said:)) These are the little things that keep me going. On the other hand, I found myself getting frustrated with some teachers who pay lips service and force-fit certain things into teaching  (based on my observation & what others said). There is particular teacher whom I really turned off, and it's up to a point when I just don't feel like looking at her straight into the face and will only listen to what she said. It's that bad, but she did nothing to me, but I just could not stand her.

 Anws, talking about force-fitting, I think that SG50 is really too overwhelming, so much so that every subject and any project have to incorporate SG50 element inside. I dont deny that I was quite enthu about it at the start, and even incorporated SG50 theme for my FCE performance task! But as time goes, when IPW and other subjects also incorporated SG50, I found myself feeling restless, and I really feel for my students who have to do everything that is related to SG50. It's really too much until one might be turn off when thinking or seeing the word, "SG50". One 成语 to best describe this scenario- 弄巧反拙. Hope my enthusiam for SG50 will be re-ignited and shine brightly again soon! 

Work aside. I really feel contented being in my family, and teasing-cum- bickering with each other. I cant deny that it is really frustrated but hilarious at times hahaha.  Despite the many disputes and unhappiness in the family, I really like the way how we will gradually "patch back" again:) I am also amazed and happy that the painting of the house and getting new furniture  have been realized!:D I really need to thank my dad for pushing my plan for family through by taking initiatives to contact the contractors etc after he saw my schedule for family:') I would also like to thank my penguin also as he was the one who always encouraged and gave me suggestions to go about doing all these. Without him, I think I will still be dilly-dally-ing and not pushing to give my house an entire new look. Thank you, my dear:)

With most of the focus on work and family, I realized that I have spent even lesser time with friends. I used to have the feeling that I am being left out when the rest meet up for work and k-session, resulting me feeling a little emo at times. However, through this process, I came to understand that sometimes we do not have to think too much. Different people have different priorities, so I believe my friends will understand better as compared to the last time. I used to procrastinate about showing care and concern to friends as I consider alot and feel paiseh at times to do so. But how would friends know you care when you don't show care? How would you feel part of the "family" if you feel paiseh to show care for friends?  Thus, I have attempted to show care if I care- even with a simple "How are you doing" & "Jiayou for work and/or studies", I believe, will strengthen the connection with friends. 

All in all, it is all about the balancing act (in action)- on how we manage our life, people around us and own perspectives. If there are heavy weights (frustration and unhappiness) that cause an imbalance, we should find ways to counter these weights by injecting some life's simple pleasures..For these are the things that we can control of, to enable us to better appreciate our own life experiences, and of course, be happy!:)


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