
Showing posts from August, 2015

Bleak future (Not?)

It has been over a year in this school, and I have many wavering thoughts once in awhile when days get abit too extreme..either too crazy or too chill.  There is a love-hate relationship between me and this school, I really like the "chill" teaching environment, yet I find it not as "challenging" and I appear to be too insignificant as compared to other teachers. In contrast to this school, teaching life in HIHS was an exciting journey, filled with laughter, anger, disappointment and faith. Although the students were more difficult to handle, I felt that I am more "alive" although I am physically and mentally strained. Yet, the rewarding outcome was a better TSR and genuine appreciation from these students. On the other hand, teaching in the current school is like "day-by-day" passing although I have attempted to make lessons more interesting and engaging.  Due to the subject that I am teaching, I seem to appear insignificant, and oh man...

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

The jubilee weekend came and spinned off like a wind. There was so many things happened, and my  feelings were like taking a roller coaster ride. It has been 2 days. I hope SJ and her mum are coping well. Time will heal the pain, perhaps not today, perhaps not tomorrow. But one day, the intensity will be lesser. Stay strong and jiayou SJ and SJ's mum.

Good start, to August:)

Everything seems to begin well with the new month:) It all started off with a well-rested half day at home before the staycation with my 8.1, then lunch with CL and his family, and ending the weekend with awesome LKY musical. Watching the LKY musical was like attending a live history lesson. Provocative, intriguing and making my feeling undergo some mini roller coaster ride. It's really interesting  how Mr Lee's life story has captivated  me so much, so so much. I was being pulled in to feel what Mr Lee had felt during the different moments of his life, and felt especially emotional during certain moments too:') The musical is not the best, has not portrayed more in-depth stories about Mr & Mrs Lee's life story, the actors might not have so called good "chemistry" however, I feel that Singaporeans will feel somehow connected and feel that sense of belonging at that moment. Mr Lee might not be who he had been, if not for his experiences during those da...