
Showing posts from 2022

When holding on is a struggle.

Have I ever hear my inner voice about how I see my current situation so far? Have I ever stop to hear out about my struggles instead of blindly telling myself that I can overcome it if I try harder? I was pouring out to my husband about how unhappy I was at work yesterday. I shared with him that I don't know if I am complaining too much, or the work culture and demand are just not suitable for me and clashes with my ideal. I have been contemplating whether I should just leave for another school, or to leave the SC fraternity totally and join back my old fraternity. Based on what I see, I don't think that the situation will vary much in different schools, since the way how school system is as such, unless I have a supportive department team who will be there to support me and my counselling work. So why risk another 1.5 years having to adjust to new school environment?  A part of me wants to give myself a chance to give it another try...but does it even worth a try? I was also s...

A year on.

Although it has been a year+ into my new role as a School Counsellor, it felt pretty long and tedious. The situations that I face with are very dynamic and I have to be ready at whatever stage I am at. I have been adjusting my self-expectation quite a fair bit, given that I am more of a systematic person and prefer to have structures in place.  And.. it is usually the most complex issues that made me doubt my ability and decision to join school counselling. Honestly, I really dislike the idea of giving up half way when things get hard, because it made me feel like I am not trying hard enough or am avoiding the tough tasks. Yet, I want to be realistic to seek better balance in having true joy in the work I do, able to contribute well and earning well.  For now, I just want to focus more on overcoming my challenges ahead- becoming a better case manager and staying more firm in my ground as a trained school counsellor.  Hopefully, the 2023 me will not regret what I have not ...