A Precious Milestone.
It has been a long while since I last posted about my rant about work.
Fast forward to a year on, things have become more exciting and has been a roller coaster ride with the arrival of our baby, Hong Yi <3
I was thankful that the pregnancy journey was overall a pleasant one, surrounded with care and concern from people around me. Indeed, I felt like being treated like a 'queen' hahaha. I was 小感动 to meet rare strangers who would step up to ask the other strangers to give up seat for me on MRT. The multiple visits to Dr Khoo's clinic were also pleasant and exciting because I got to see the baby scans (although some tests would make me feel a little jittery xD).
The labour and delivery process was a whirlwind when Hong Yi decided to arrive as a pre-national baby. Despite the pain from contraction and pushing when HY's head was still stuck, I was thankful for Dr Khoo's swift action to get me out of the distress quickly. I will not forget his comment made about me, that I behaved like a zombie and tried to shush me to stop screaming when the most painful process was over HAHA (想了都觉得好笑 and embarrassing xD).
The recovery process was a torture for me as I needed to withstand the pain from the sore bottom and stitches. I actually cried (not so) secretly inside toilet when the nurse told me that she must see my urine or otherwise, she will need to put in catheter for me:O The peeing process was stressful and painful, but I heaved a sigh of relief when my urine came eventually because it meant no need to insert the catheter:D
I am currently still doing confinement and am counting down to the last 10 days! I really can't wait to finish the confinement although many of the mummy friends shared that their nightmares start once nanny leaves. However, I just cannot take it to be confined at home and being restricted physically due to pain (thankfully I am 90% recovered now) and due to the "need" to follow 坐月子 routines (cannot wash hair or can only bathe in herbal water). The way how the nanny "runs" the house in terms of cooking and washing was the main ranting topic between CL and I hahaha. We are trying to close both eyes towards the way she bought/cook so much ingredients for meals and use 水电, really feel a waste..:/ I have been trying to tell myself to just focus on my recovery and caring for baby, and other minor things shall pass. (breathe~)
The stress of caring for a newborn is very real, with 2-3 hours crying/screaming depending on how hungry he is. Nevertheless, I love the process of direct breastfeeding as I can bond with Hong Yi although he does not latch for very long and will fall asleep halfway xD He will even 偷笑 sometimes when we desperately wanted him to latch longer before he cries murder again! 真的是让我们哭笑不得 lol.
On top of pumping and latching routines, I am still learning to bathe him, wash and sanitize the breast pump equipment etc xD It is definitely a whole new level of challenge, but I am blessed and thankful to do it with supportive arO <3
Despite the tough process and tears, I want to be self-reminded to cherish the precious newborn period with Hong Yi and arO, and that we will ride through all ups and downs together as one:)
Love you all, Papa arO and Hong Yi! <3