Yoz!!!!! Yeahx.. after few more days, i will be free! woot.. no more work at shoe shop although i told lady boss that i maybe available only on sat. A few days ago was an extremely hot and quite tiring day as there is huge loads of supplies of shoes coming in and customers were all streaming in huge crowd! All of us, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 were all busy like mad..out of these 7 peeps, there were like 5 teenagers helping out. Lady boss' children, bao hui, me, xia jie and hua jie! lols.. but it's better compared to other shoe shops beating mosquito =X
Update yesterday's work at the shoe shop: I reported to the shoe shop at around afternoon time.We were beginning to get busy as more and more customers suddenly streamed in. Wow, a few minutes later...CRASHED!!!!! I was astonished to find an enlongated pole lying on the front of the car! The people who witnessed it by themseleves were like "woooooo". Then the front of the car was severely dented into crumple of useless iron. Then, bcoz of this accident, alot of people who were "concerned" about it started to gather around. Lady boss asked us to look after the stuff outside the shop and take note of the people coz sometimes people had "3 eyes". Fast forward the incident.. Then ambulance came and civil defence also came. Well, next the workers started to remove the pole carefully and the car was sent to repair and they took a long few hrs to do that!
Okay okay next.Woot. we have kou fu bcoz the boss had bought us bread and cake and lady asked us to makan. But i felt paiseh so i didn't makan! ahahs..Xia Jie also didn't eat too! hahas..So we busy till evening time when i managed to tell xia jie i am leaving soon.. meaning not working frquently as i used to be right now. She said :" erm.. i will not feel comfortable at first without u working with me le.." then i replied happily :" U will miss me worx! hahaas Xia Jie miss me! Yeahx!" Then she said : " For only the time being at the start when i didn't go to work when i am studying. Then after a long time, I will forget u!" LOLS!! She also treat me took a few sip of bubble tea worx..How nice is she!!!!! HAHA..There were alot of unforgettable memories and experiences in the shoe shops, be it a happy one or a frustrating one. At the start, it was a totally awful and uncomfortable experience. After a month working down there, i sometimes relish and like being a part timer down there...to join in the laughter and "fun" at times during working with all those people who work and accompany me through these moments!


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