Yoz! Woo..i think it's my first time to blog early in the morning after i wake up XD. Haha on computer juz to save my GP ppt into my thumbdrive. Gosh, print the slides out but forgot to save in my thumbdrive>.<" Luckily now i rmb to do so.

Okay let's talk about last wk's translation competition.Haha. Only 8 of us go: Levina, Yining, Jia Yan, Ivy, Jin Hoe, Clement and of course me=). Clement and Jin hoe felt like slping when they were in LT. Lols. They r so guai1, still come despite they were tired. For some other boys, they dun even care about this.

Wow i thought the competition shld be quite easy la but it turned out to be so diffcult. U have to know how to translate english to chinese and even chinese to english. River Valley sec. school was power!Their chinese so good la! So it was not surprised to get the overall champion XD. The 2nd in place is Zhong Hua and 3rd place is Dunman. So after the compeition ended, we went for some light refreshments which were provided for us before the prize ceremony began. My friend and I were rather ashamed of how we, students of the host behave. We saw a long queue of our own students queuing up for food instead of out guests first.:/ Okay shan't comment more. we xing1 zhi4 du4 ming2.

After everything, Jia Yan, Yining, Jin Hoe and I went for lunch at a nearby coffeeshop tgt. Jia Yan and I dun noe wad to eat. Jia Yan teased me to eat chicken rice. Those who knows wad happened will understand =). Anws, she bought a plate of char kuey tiao and i bought a plate of prawn mee. Woo, Yining and Jin Hoe also bought prawn mee too. Wad a coincidence.

Okay, i agree with Jia Yan that the ppl in this coffeeshop were weird. You dun noe when they r joking with us or not. LOLS. For instance, after we placed our order, a guy from the fish noodle stall suddenly told us that no char kuey tiao le. My friend really believed him and intended to walk back to the stall to check out . I called her back and told her that that guy was joking nia. LOLS. Next after we returned back our sit for a while, the food finally came. My friend paid $4 for the $3 char kuey tiao and was waiting for change. But the gal who served us said, "$4, mei2 you3 zao3 ni3 ar dui4 ma1?" We were rather shocked la and she juz went away. So after she served me with prawn mee, she asked Jia Yan again and I explained to her that my friend bought a $3 char kuey tiao. Still acting rather "serious", she finally end her "show" and gave my friend back $1. Dotz.. Her acting were.. good? Hahahas.

While and after we ate, we talked about lots of stuff, our class, our secondary schools. Hahhas, we were also talking class gathering too. Threw in alot of ideas. Fishing, cycling etc. Ohh.. talking about fishing, Jin Hoe and some other guys went fishing from night till this morning 5a.m ( the day of tranlation competition). No wonder he looked so tried and gong2. LOLS. He was able to tahan so long sia. Superman. LOLS. Anws, Yining irritated Jia Yan. While chatting, Yining kept using ice to shoot at Jia Yan la. Hahas. Don't know leh, this made me think of bk. LOLS. Coz he also sometimes played ice by spitting it out as far as possible from his mouth mahx. XD Then, we went home after that lohx. Jian Yan and Yining took 105 and Jin Hoe and I took 147.

Along the way, Jin Hoe and I talked alot about our sec sch. He also let me guessed the pri. sch he was in and it took me a very long time to guess that. >.<" Lag. We talked about Mrs Lim Swee Khim, Mr Pah, Mrs Peh, Mr Chan and Mr Arthur Lee. LOLS. He told me how Mrs Lim had taught his class some songs and chants related to maths and how he always gana shoot by Mrs Lim. LOLS. I also shared with him about how Mrs Lim appear on headline in the "newspaper" and her zao1 pai2 longgan drink for the homecoming too. =)

Haha, okay, time to prepare to go to school le! A fresh new beginning of the week!Cheers! =)


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