Yoz! Went out with meiqi and shijie tgt to buy eileen's present at J8! XD Haha. Waited at the toast box there but they were actually eating at the food court. :X I was standing beside the toast box shop and one guy kept looking at me, thought that i was the sale gal there. LOLS. In the end, i have to paiseh move to another side. Gosh! I mistooken someone as shijie! She was standing outside the Kelvin bla bla shirt shop! Andd I immediately ran up towards her la! With a closer look, it was not her -_-" i had to walk all the way back to the so called "waiting place". I think those ppl who had noticed me would think that i was siao char bo la XD.

Anws we bought Eileen 6 breads! LOLS! Won't expire de! Hahahas.. those bread so real la.. the texture and feel are the same as real bread. This makes me think of brenda. Coz she blue copper(II) sulphate also bravely ate le, so if you offer her that bread, she 说不定 also tried that!XD We also bought Eileen a piggy. Haha wonder what she will think of XD After that, I bought potato leaf for my mother to cook it for ah ma. Meiqi and Shijie accompanied me to NTUC to buy lor and we were talking about our ability to cook! Haha! Andd potato leaf was hard to find! We looked here and there but found no sign of it. In the end, i bought it at AMK hub's NTUC =)

Evening, after dinner, I went to my ah yi's hse coz we were going to visit ah ma in the hospital. Reach there at about 8 plus. It was near bedtime for those patients when we reached there. Talked to ah ma and gave her drink the herb which my mother brewed for her. Around 9p.m, we were told to leave coz visiting hr over le. I was glad that my ah ma's was trasferring to AMK hospital to do physio on monday. This means she is going back home soon! =D. I was to go home after that but then coz my ah yi and uncle 不放心 my cousins watched midnight movie at 12.40a.m at AMK hub (coz no bus) so they also accompanied them and i also joined in too=D My cousins and I went to play pool before watching movie! Waited for near 45 min then we got our pool table and played less than half an hr before we zoomed off to watch our movie, WANTED!

The movie was okay lor. But it was freezing cold inside the threatre and I was dozing off coz i lack of slp the night before. Heex. After the movie, I went to my ah yi's hse to stay over.

The next day, I went back home first to catch a bath before going to my ah ma's hse. 两个哥哥趁妈妈不在欺负我! LOLS. My bros wanted me to buy lunch and snacks for them while one was playing computer games and watching 太王四神记 with my father. My father and big bro super 迷太王四神记! They were still watching when I was about to leave home to go ah ma's hse!Even waited for them till 6p.m at ah ma's hse before going visiting ah ma! Hahahas. Ah ma was well and okay!=D After the visit, home sweet home!

I felt rather uneasy coz i was supposed to go shop around with my mother but in the end didn't
--" So after we got home at around 8 plus, I dragged my mother to go walk around at masa malam. LOLS! Bought some snacks and my mother and I even shared a coconut drink! Yummy and juicy! Wahaha.

Today was the start of the day for Project Work Written report! Everyone was so sianzz.. Chinese listening compre was okay. Oh ya i thought it was A Level listening compre --". After that, PW! We went to the classroom for awhile and seeked short consultation from Miss Tan. After that, we went to Bishan library to borrow books and magazines. Woo.. we took the whole junk of health magazines and went to 4th floor to sift out info. Met Lynette's grp at the library too. We stayed there doing our project till 4 plus. Then, regina, pui, edel and I went to cafe cartel to makan. LOLS. They were all fascinated that i was not tempted to eat when they were all eating! Hahahas. Anws took some photos of regina, pui and edel when they were munching on food. Hehe. Then home!

Oh ya, ah ma still could not leave hospital today coz of low blood pressure. Aww.. but i think tmr she will be discharged=D. Wahh my ah ma and the missy got sort of breakdown in communication this morning! The missy gave her a mug filled with漱口药水 to 漱口. But due to breakdown in communication, my ah ma thought is meant for drinking.So, she gulped it down! Heng luckily nth happen.

I was rushing the surveys and flipping through books for info for PW just now. Tmr still have to report at 7.15a.m to take photos tgt with others as zhong lv editors. Tmr will be a long day...till 5p.m! Jia you and chiong ah! Anws, I dun noe why i was making fun of pui! Hahas.. she could not take it le. Haha. Regina even praised me although she was in the same ally as pui! LOLS. Pui thought i was on jinhoe's side le. Hahas.. nonono still neutral party like Mr Harold! XD. Okay time to sleep! =)

Believe in myself!
I can and I will!


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