Trying to recall what i did ytd and it reminded me of the problem-based learning presenation! Haha like usual, i was very nervous but luckily managed to control it when it was my turn to present(:
Hahaha the other two groups did role play and one of them was super duper hilarious. One of the members acted as Ris Low and kept saying blah blah blah yah, bla yah, bla bla yah. LOL. Then my lecturer also got influenced by her and kept saying "yah" alot of times when she was talking to us sia. Super funny xD
After the AED 102, i was also kinda influenced by "Ris Low" and kept saying yah too! Hahaha. Funny to the max! xD
Hahaha the other two groups did role play and one of them was super duper hilarious. One of the members acted as Ris Low and kept saying blah blah blah yah, bla yah, bla bla yah. LOL. Then my lecturer also got influenced by her and kept saying "yah" alot of times when she was talking to us sia. Super funny xD
After the AED 102, i was also kinda influenced by "Ris Low" and kept saying yah too! Hahaha. Funny to the max! xD