Blogging at near 5a.m. Haha. Was doing my Food & Society presentation on a book summary >.< Finally, it is more or less done! (:

I like ALS101 lesson! My prof is so encouraging! She helped me build up confidence to speak up bravely during lesson(: Thanks mj bro, ivan and prof for encouraging me to have more confidence in speaking english to the everyone, even the eng pros!(: I would not forget my bro's words, " Eng Language is just a medium for communication and conveying your ideas. What matters most is the quality of your ideas. If your idea is good, no one will not condemn you even though ur english is not as good." So I guess my tue wouldn't be as depressing anymore when I am faced with all the eng pros:X

Went to celebrate Jiayan's 20th bdae on fri with NY clique! :D Ate at Ramen Play and later went to somewhere to sit down to chat. Naturally, all of us were talking about relationships. Now, out of 8 of us, 4 attached, 4 singles xD Lol they were discussing who will be the 5th to get attached! And the 4 singles were "interrogated" one by one. Okay, this is so "intimidating". And it is even more nan shou when the wound is opened once again.

I had been listening to alot of nice songs from youtube, be it chinese or english:D And I came across with one of the comments in one of the songs which I find it making a great sense!




There are quite a few videos and movies that I wana watch but no time! xD ..下一站 幸福 & Mind Your Language, My Big Fat Greek Wedding & Eat Drink Man Woman((: Shall catch them as and when I am free or when I feel like taking a break from all the heavy workload! (:

Good nite! Should be GOOD MORNING! :D



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