Not feeling really well this week. The eye allergy come and go and it spreads to other parts of body ;// Itchy, itchy and more itchy.
In addition, there are two upcoming deadlines for my submission of assignments too >.< I am trying hard to stay focus on them but my mind went to think about other stuff and fb -.-" Gona practise self-control from now on xD
没有承诺, 哪何交待.
Gone. Go with it.
I should learn to stock-take of myself so that I will understand myself better. Thanks eileen (TGY) for reminding me that (:
In addition, there are two upcoming deadlines for my submission of assignments too >.< I am trying hard to stay focus on them but my mind went to think about other stuff and fb -.-" Gona practise self-control from now on xD
没有承诺, 哪何交待.
Gone. Go with it.
I should learn to stock-take of myself so that I will understand myself better. Thanks eileen (TGY) for reminding me that (: