
Showing posts from October, 2012

Thoughts within.

Thoughts #1 As English is more commonly used in today's context, I know I need to overcome my obstacle and fear for it. This would be especially so as I would be a teacher in near future.  Since young, I am not a very English language person. I would always fail to articulate well in this langauge when there are alot of people and when there are other people who have better English command than me present. Gradually, I feel a sense of inferiority when I speak to people in English. In secondary school, if not for my hardwork and help given by my teacher, my English would cmi. In JC, English got harder and my GP grade was near a fail grade. Since then, I was thinking, if I have gotten a better grade for that language (as well as for maths and econs), would I be entering another course in university. I felt inferior once again when I needed to take the EPT test before I go into...

Life is not just about the rat race

The recess week had been a good buffer time for me to relax abit and did the things which I wished but did not have the time to do =)) Although I have not been able to revise much during this break, I managed to get some time reflecting what had gone wrong all these while and make improvement to them. It feels good that everything seems to be back in place and run smoothly currently. I know and am pepared that things might get messed up again but I will try my best to manage them to the best I can. I also feel really touched by mq, cl and my family's continuous support when I was feeling down and stressed up previously. Thanks all for being there for me, cheering me up=')) The friendship strengthened, the relationship grows, and kinship becomes more cherished by me. As I proceed on with the rest of the semester, I hope that I will continue to better myself, as a student and as a person in general. Time Mana...

The Admission

Reality check. This semester is really a tough period for me, with loads of individual and group work projects. I wondered whether is I was too used to the previous slack semester such that the transition to this hectic semester was unbearable for me.I seem to lost myself in the mountains of work. I lost my own tempo in doing things and follow the others' tempo instead. I am feeling increasingly uncomfortable bcoz, I am, just not feeling being myself. I dont deny that my group mates are way more hardworking than me, and they could sacrifice their time and meal for the projects. I would certainly do the same, but the extent I am willing to sacrifice was far too little when compared to them. I felt guilty about it so I pushed myself to do the best like them. But, I kept feeling that I am not comparable to them and thus, feeling more discomfort. Initially, I thought that the stipen...