Recollection, Realization.

It feels great to be home!:)

I have decided to give my blog a little new look (almost wanted to change to another blog link xD) to signify a real beginning (and better change) for me and my life:) 

Just in case for those who will not seeing me that often in the future (and  that I might be too busy to contact you), hope that my blog can be another connection between me and you. Of course, I hope I will be able to hear about your life in some way or another too:)

Although it is a mere 12-day Europe trip, I felt that it was pretty long, probably like a few weeks. Sounds like I had missed home badly! xD Anws I would give a pat on my own shoulder bcoz I have finally stepped out of my comfort zone and experience different ways of life:) Although there are cl and his family, as well as mq around during this trip, I felt some sense of accomplishment of being more independent during this trip:) Most importantly, it feels awesome to have gained richer insights about life as well as realized about how fortunate I am living in Singapore:) I suddenly feel the urge to go for solo overseas trip to explore and experience greater things out there..may I have the courage to do so one day xD

Feeling like I have been living in my own dream for the past 12 days, I had been trying to put things into place and catching up what I have missed. I have also taken this time to read through my and other people's previous blog posts again. I found myself smiling, tearing and reflecting while I was reading them. Some posts have brought back some of the happy and sweet memories, while other posts have made me teared bcoz they reminded me of  how much I have taken things for granted and not cherishing them as what I hope to fulfill as part of my new year resolution. There are also some posts that make me reflect on the ways I have done things and perspectives I have for certain issues previously.

Things will never be perfect, but they can become better if we look from different perspectives and learn from past experiences. 

I will never be perfect, but I hope to always show some efforts and appreciation to the many little things in life.

Please do, moOn. 


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