Majulah Singapura

People are not totally wrong in their perspectives, but they are also not absolutely right at the same time.

I have watched, and mainly heard news about election rallies and some "fiery" disagreement regarding different issues between the previous Government and the opposition parties. I dare not say that whoever said is totally right, but it is a matter of perspectives-taking and how far-sighted you will see these things. However, what I hold strongly is, don't disagree for the sake of disagreeing. They should be of logic and of substance.

Personally, I felt that I have been myopic in my thoughts. As an officially 24-year-old Singaporean, I feel that I should think deeper and widen my perspectives about making my country a better place to live in. Look at the big picture in the long run, be decisive with minimal procrastination.

During this election rally, I miss Mr Lee's presence- His strong sense of confidence and words of wisdom. I hope that someone out there will stand out similar as him, leading and sustaining Singapore to a better future. 

P.S: As I look around me,  I generally feel happy and fortunate living in Singapore. Despite the rising cost of living and limited freedom of speech,  I feel that the efforts to make Singapore a better place to live in (socially and emotionally) has become more significant with greater awareness raised through advertisement and actions by members of public and different organizations.

Hopefully, one day, Singapore can become a more uniquely compassionate and united first-world country:)


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