Yoz!!!!! Today is a quite an okay day......today i have choir practice....near the end, Mr Yong told us wad can really improve ourselves.....no matter wad.....regarding our studies or singing.....if we have the right attitude and a strong determination and perserverance.....and never take last minute action then we will have a vast improvement..... so after that ,i pei sj they all to houngang point there take bus.....then go home lohx.....then my bro talked to me....asked me wad i want for my result for my O Level and Choir next year.....he gave me lots of qns which i need to answer them by this wed night.....although i think this is quite sianz.....but i think it is a good and ideal way for me to improve.....all i wanna say is thankz alot gor gor.....thankz lots!!!!!Hmmm..... i dun noe wad to say and update le.....nth much ......do physics assessments.....i gonna improve my physics.....today de bao xiao xing ren wang is chaoo funny!!!!! i laughed until my stomach sooo pain.....hahahs......chao funny jiu dui liaox.....hehehex.....


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