
Showing posts from 2007
Yoz!!!!! Yeahx.. after few more days, i will be free! woot.. no more work at shoe shop although i told lady boss that i maybe available only on sat. A few days ago was an extremely hot and quite tiring day as there is huge loads of supplies of shoes coming in and customers were all streaming in huge crowd! All of us, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 were all busy like mad..out of these 7 peeps, there were like 5 teenagers helping out. Lady boss' children, bao hui, me, xia jie and hua jie! lols.. but it's better compared to other shoe shops beating mosquito =X Update yesterday's work at the shoe shop: I reported to the shoe shop at around afternoon time.We were beginning to get busy as more and more customers suddenly streamed in. Wow, a few minutes later...CRASHED!!!!! I was astonished to find an enlongated pole lying on the front of the car! The people who witnessed it by themseleves were like "woooooo". Then the front of the car was severely dented into crumple of useless iron. T...
Yoz! Hmm..I left about 2 more weeks working in shoe shop! Hahas..after a few rounds of so called reflection, i think i that it's stll a job..must look on the brighter side! 1hr $ still money. So hard to earn each and every pence! Anws we had a third stock check at Plaza Sing. overnite again! wahahas. We checked only one of the divsion nia. Toys, lugguages, bicycles, cds. My "nightmare" during that nite was to scan the huge heaps of cds, vcds as well as dvds with a Indian worker la. Oh my god, it was like alot..alot of discs scattered around la..and had to be really careful sia. Then there was a boss. He was POWER. LOLS. His voice loud loud de..under his command, everyone started working. he was quite funny la. hahahas.When it came to our break time..meaning supper time, we saw no sign of nich. la. Hahas, my gang said that he also want to be the best part-timer like me. heex.. actually no la..the person in-charge there wanted him to finish his work before he...
Yoz!!!!! Here to blog again! hahas.. hmm...dun noe lehx.. i sometimes like working in shoe shop but sometimes really tired of it. Perhaps needs to run up and down the stairs... find all sorts of shoes and climbing ladders too...then somemore 1hr $4..I am willing to work there bcoz is nearer to my house and save my transportation and makan costs...okay la.. ppl there quite nice.. but then the work is tedious..okay u may say that i can't tahan this sort of work...but then i had really tried my best to do them.. for 1 week..lols.. I am quite tired already...oh ya anws i fell while climbing up the flight of stone staircases...i think is my punishment coz i hit huat gao's the end, of course, i got blue black and bruises all over! Then i intended not to tell them..but they saw the red red patch..and asked " Ming Hui, u fell down ar?" I nodded and started to weep abit la.. then i told myself , " It's crazy la, i cried for wad? Juz only a minor injur...
Me ( in purple) plus my bestest friend, Mei Qi!=) 405!=))))) Yoz! I am back. Wow so many days and weeks that i last posted worx.. hmm in between these times i had alot of activites and had loads of fun!!! Let me slowly, interestingly unfold my moments=))) 1) Graduation Night Wow is sooo cool sia... everyone were wearing so nice..!!! Young Gentlemen were cool and ladies were hot and simply gorgeous!!!!! U noe wad??? i had spent quite alot of money on my graduation night stuff!!! But i didn't pay a single cent on was my dearest aunt and uncle!!!!! I must really thankz them for doing so much for my graduation night!!!!! Juz to let me have a wonderful and memorable graduation night!!!!! So yup.. thankz uncle for your huge sponsorship and thankz aunt for accompanying me all along to buy my grad. nite stuff!!!!! So i hereby declare that i own u 2 a meal!!!!!! I will earn money when i get my job and treat u 2!!!!! I will never forget my graduation night de!!! I took photos with...
Yoz everyone! I am back! After the four years of education in secondary school, i finally completed my O Level!!!! Happy.. but then nervous for results!!!! wow..perhaps many of u will think i am crazy..coz the papers still in SIngapore haven fly to Cambridge....lols...really hope that u will do very well..=)) Aha, wad am i going to do now?? hmm...i want to go out to work, play and do cooking stuff!!! oops.. dun be not that masak masak real cooking and i want to bake cookies, muffins and many other more!!! This is what i am looking forward to!!!! Alot of events coming too... sec 4s graduation night, bbq gathering, class that these days will slowly passed by... hahas...i can feel wad i am feeling now when i finished my PSLE during P6...lols...a taste of freedom!!!!! Anws, i will really miss my school, Xinmin!!!!!! It has leaves a very deep footprint in my heart.. and my bunch of sprightly friends as well as my dedicated and humourous teach...
Yoz there!!!! It's such a long time that i last posted.. had been busy studying for the last few months...oh yeahx..XM Chorale got a GOLD for SYF 2007 this year!!!! so i will be foccusing on my studies for my GCE "o" Level exam le... i had said earlier, i will be studying hard for this few months.. so i will post again on 13 November 2007!!!!! Hope my blog won't rot so much by that time..SEE YA!=)))))
Yoz!!!!! Long time no post le....hehex.....but then wad i wanna say is that i grow up both physically and mentaly le!!!!! In regard of studies, i noe how to handle my time properly and not be an "owl" anymore.....hahahhas.....thankz to Mrs Lim and Mr Chan=))))) I learn to adapt to the new surrounding and think about the others.....i really noe how to handle things more easily and carefully=))))) In regard to Choir, i have the kind of confidence tt i dun have and dun feel at the beginning and i somehow improve my fluency in English..... and trust wadever i did......Moreover, i am really really idyllic tt i actually bravely talk to Mr Yong as a friend and no longer really being afraid of him compared to the past!!!!! I feel more relaxed and better when talking to him!!!!! Chaooo happy sia!!!!! dun noe y life is really brightened up although i am having a difficult yr now for the preparation fro O Level....i now really enjoyed both study and Choir!!!!! Love them!!!...
Yoz!!!!! So lonnnng didn't update le...mainly bcoz soo many stuff to busy for....hahas....hmmm.... there were lots of sad and ahppy things happening around me.... like i was unable to help the two gals to get out from the teachers' scoldings.....i felt so useless...and i cried, my junior also cried with one of those gals ganna heart was hurting much, i hate myself for not havning courage to protect them. Following is that, i dun noe whether we should continue anot, juz a silent relationship, i can't live on like this.....maybe we r not meant for each other, but.... maybe bcoz we were all unable to pluck up courage to talk to one another, but i had really really made and tried my very best to!!!!! So ya, let's see how's it goes. However for today, was a new beginning for all of the XM Chorale!!!!! We went to River Valley High for workshops and exchanges.....we were all damn scared.....while we were going up on stage to sing, we told one another ...