
Showing posts from 2008
Yoz! Haha i had long wanted to post alot alot of things but i couldn't get to use comp.. hehe clash with my bro timing to use comp lor XD Okay, hmm.. let me recall last year...first event is belated Christmas party at steph hse on Friday! It was fun and enjoyable! Haha..I was the first to reach wun's park. HAHA. Then meet mq. Wanted to go in but ps mah.. so we waited for others at the park under the shelterXD Jiamin juz went in! Initially, we dun noe wad to do and some wanted to play majong. However, wun said Christmas must play ang mo game XD.. so she introduced alot of card games to us! FUN FUN FUN! We play "ugly ugly ugly" monster game whereby we gt to snatch the 3 similar monster cards once we saw it. HAHAHA. Andd Adam was so high that he torn one of the cards! Haha so hiong! We went on to play Goat game, sort of a maths game whereby we had to count no...not too bad, nice to play=) The third game is Bonzania,planting plants game! Hahha..we become farmers to plant...
Yoz! Ytd i thought i would be another 宅女 XD But in the end, i gt down to hg mall to shop! Yeah.. diff from normal gal normally do, i shopped for vegetables!XD Haha yea helped my mother=)Okay the orders were alot, increased up to 10 items! I didn't bring watch nor hp and started my shopping spree XD Reaching NTUC, i straightaway walked into the section for vegetables. I chose 2 rounded cabbages. HAHA this had made me choose for quite a long while although there were alot for me to choose the best from. Haha. Next, i went to look for 小白菜:) Aww, today de 小白菜 not nice, 所谓早起的鸟儿有虫吃, but i went at 10 plus 11 :X I searched high and low, but 小白菜 still 黄黄,有洞洞 in the end, i 脑筋急转弯 and i chose brocolli and cauliflower to replace 小白菜:) My mother praised me lo when i reached hm. HAHA. Then i was finding my mother所说的大菜. Oh my, all the vegetables there didn't label the word 大菜. So i asked the vege. auntie. She asked is it bitter de, i said yup and she pointed to the local mustard aka 芥菜....
Yoz! So long nvr blog cos i had been busy due to bridge and work and practically have no time to use comp XD Anws, bridging had came to an end last week and i still miss the children very much! I am expecting the call frm Rafiqi and Ain..Hehe. And i thought they appearing at the ny parade sq was real but it was juz bk's dream. I wanted to chiong to sch de lor. Hahas XD my bridging experience is really fantastic and memorable=) Wednesday work was not a pleasant one:/ cos of an arrogant guy lo. Right after the organiser went off, he came. Wad a right timing!中码票也没有那么准!I can almost 99.99% he is one of the tenant's relatives lo. But he 不承认, say not every customer who appear there r the tenants or wadever. Tt day, i was feeling unwell, extreme flu and ear block. So wadever he said, i pretended i couldn't hear lo XD. Oh man ( Ardhi=)), he was drawing the air tix! I really dun want him draw de lo cos high chances to get! So i pretended sb miss call me and tried to call...
Yoz! Had been slacking for the past 2 weeks yah XD Ahh I haven really fufill my promises to start hw, revision and priortising work! I felt really guilty. I must start my engine! 2 weeks gone le. Cant afford to waste more! Time flies so fast! Next week will be the last week of the bridging programme!! Gonna cherish the times spent tgt with the children and teachers:) Okay i woke up today at 4 plus..ZZZZ then went back sleep again after awhile. Haha. And i replied pj and Jeanette smses at 4 plus. I think they would be thinking wad i am doing and sending smses to them at..4 plus? Hehe. Anws today bk and i were excited about the children's invitation to the "open hse", meaning gg to their friends hse for visits for Hari Raya wad we chinese ppl, usually do during chinese new year. Ain told me she cant go coz her mother dun allow. Yup and we were late by 15 min! :X We waited at Dazhong there and no one came. Bk was singing the sad tune. HAHA. 6 yrs old children sa...
Yoz! Practically i was enjoying my Sunday with my family=) In the morning, i went to the park to run. 5 days didn't run and i was feeling uneasy XD. Okay i pushed myself to run 5 rounds today and my speed was not as the normal pace i usually run. Expected coz i had not been running for past few days. Hehex. But glad that i tried my best to complete 5 full rounds! ^^ I appreciated one auntie's concern in the park coz she asked if i was alrite.. probably bcoz my face was pale after running.hehex. Thanks=) Lunch for today with family: Chicken rice/ Nasi Lemak! Hahas. Then went to xiao jiu jiu's hse to visit my grandma=). After tt,ym 2nd bro drove my grandpa back to his hse and i followed my 2nd bro there to sort out some clothings stuff. T.T my bro was sleeping and i was collating. Then, my grandpa bought food for us! Chicken rice! HAHA. I ate exactly the same food during lunch! My stomach bursting. Hehex. I passed some rice and chicken to my bro when he was nt looking, then h...
Yoz! I had been busy lately, with bridging and doing some holiday work recommended by my bro at Raffles Place area:) So busy until i had no time to complete my hw:X I had not touched any hw this week! Oops i felt so wierd didn't do any hw:X And i slept alot alot today. Probably too tired after 1 week of bridging and work:X Hehex got to start my hw soon=) Wanted to start revising geog and do the hwk today but i fell asleep instead!:X Sharks Sharks Sharks! :X But thinking the days at bridging, I felt very happy=) Bridging had been great everyday and i enjoyed teaching and playing with the children! I was totally awed by Rafiqi's free style dancing, Ain and Matin's cool dancing! WOW!!!!! Rafiqi- my xiao3 idol:) Anws 2 weeks of bridging had passed! So fast! How i wish the time will slow down even more! XD All the children had made bridging fun and enjoyable:) Matin, Ain, Shediq and Rafiqi:) Rafiqi and I :) Ain and I:) Qalvyn, Hakimi and I :) Wei Xian, Rafiqi and Matin and I ...
Yoz ytd was a great day! Hahas. In the morning went to hougang pt with my mother to shop around. My mother was fascinated by a big round pc of Japanese biscuits at Bake Inn and so we bought one to try it ^^ Sweet and yummy=). Then, i went to NLB to watch a chinese drama, David, the best!. Hahas. Quite a funny talk-cum-drama! Didn't see this kind of drama before. Got alot of FM100.3 supporters there to watch coz have Wang Wen Hong. He is very good DJ and joked with us to make all of us laughed! XD Really funny! Although i could not understand some parts, i think that it is really fun and funny! Those who didn't watch shld watch it!=) Then went to pj's bdae party! Haha we celebrated her bdae at Fish and Co. at the Glass Hse=) the ambience was cool and nice=) And we had a great time there! There were a total of 6 bdae gals and boys inside the restaurant! Hahas how i noe? Hahas coz the Fish and co. ppl sang bdae songs to them! Pj also no exception! Hahahs she had to stand on th...
Yoz long time no blog le! Hehe..have been busy these few days, or rather weeks coz i was having bridging programme and watching hotshot! Hahaha. Anws, woo i nvr forget the day i tried to walk back home from town.. but go wrong way, all thanks to BK ya.. follow the bus 147 going to Clementi route. Well, shijie, bk and i tried to search for Dazhong pri sch at bukit gomak, which is soo new to me Xp. far away! Nevertheless, i 认识 one more place in Singapore! *happy* Hahahas. After we found Dazhong, we went to the nearby xiao gui lin to have a look. HAHA i thought xiao gui lin refers to the lake only, but is actually referring to the whole area of the park?! Hahaha. I am so noob, bk 乌鸦满天飞 me. Haha. Anws, it came to the end of my 1st week of my bridging programme. One word to describe my experience there : FABULOUS! Haha. It was really a joy to teach these kids and their laughter-cum-cuteness made me feel a sense of satisfaction! Woot! Here are one of the photo taken with the chi...
Yoz! Ytd went out with pj and Jane to Chinatown to shop! Haha.. But i met up with pj first to search for my hp and went to my ah yi's shop to have a look! Whee then Jane met us at my ah yi's shop. Bcoz i pulled down the shutter so when jane reached, she juz stood outside, waiting.. until we noticed her! Hahahs. pj yi4 si4 yi4 si4 bought a pair of earrings from my ah yi's shop! Hahahs Thanks alot pj! :) Next, we proceeded to the hawker centre below my ah yi's shop for lunch! Hahahs pj was excited coz i had long wanted to introduce to her the food which i thought it was very nice! Hahas.. shuang1 wei4 mian4! Hahas.. indeed i didn't let her down! XD Yup, after makaning, we went to OG! pj went to shop for her fren's bdae present. While pj was away, Jane and I saw a tennis video game and guess what we saw? haha pj's laogong aka Nadal! Annd due to our curousity, we went to play tt game! hahas, i was telling jane if pj saw this, she will jump up! Hahahas. Yeah, it...
Yoz! Ytd went to East Coast Park to meet Edeline they all coz we celebrating Tiang Yong's birthday! Hahah. Oh my, it really took me a very long time to meet them! Coz i was stuck at Parkway there! i dun noe how to go to the park! I was grateful to the security guard's help at PP. But.. i dun understand what he meant! Hahas he said, " Go straight. Straight! Yes." Haha.. i went straight and i got lost! Hahahas.. then i plucked up my courage to ask a lady for help. Finally, i reached the underpass linking to east coast park! Thank you auntie! :) Okay after i went through that long underpass, I still got to walk at least a few kilometres before reaching mac to meet edel they all! Haha. Actually, we wanted to cycle lo. But then, it was raining at that time. We cant afford the risk of falling coz we had OP the next day! Hahas. The guys were trying to qian1 jiu4 us lo but.. haha nvm=)After deciding for a long time, the guys went roller blade while edel, jiayan and I went to ...
Yoz! "Dont worry. U can de" - Brenn " If u think is hard, the other people will think it is even harder, so u r still power" - TY and etc. I had heard these words of encouragement since ytd. Hias. Ytd, 30 oct, after GCE "A" level chinese paper, my hope for chinese came to an end. After all i had gone through, buying assessment to do and study the textbook until it became tattered, I juz couldn't get there. I dun noe why there was such a strong and overwhelming feeling. I felt lethargic. I felt.. I dun wished to go hm that day soon coz i dun noe how to tell my parents and others about it. So, I went wih Regina, Tammy, Lynette and Hui Fang to watch High School Musical 3. Maybe that will help relieve some unhappiness in me. Andd it somehow did, although not completely. During our way to Shaw Centre, we talked and had fun. I even did that funny "house warming" pose when regina said she most prob will hold tt at her new terrace hse. Tammy and Regi...
Yoz! Long time no blog. Hahaha. Have been busy with written report and oral presentation. Next week is GCE "A" Level Chinese! Cant believe it! So fast! Andd I am guilty for not doing much for it! :X have to jiayou now. :) Alot of things happened but i dun noe where to start with. Let's talk about Adam's bdae. Hahas. Audrey, Bk, MQ, SM, Val and I wanted to give Adam surprise lo. We went to Northpoint to buy present for him then go his hse there to "hide". We waited for him for quite a long while coz he went out with his parents to eat roti prata. Yeah.. so MQ and SM were the first to spot him gg back hm. We all suddenly very flustered, excited. Hahahs. So when he got into his hse, we stationed outside his hse to sing Happy Birthday song! Haha. Imgaine that! He looked surprised! Yup. So we were invited into his hse to take a seat lo. Talked to him and we were pressing Adam to say out his feeling. Haha. Only some will understand wad i mean. Yup. So after that h...
Yoz! quite few days didn't blog again!:x anws i watched movie, painted skin with jane on Friday! LOLS. We were so blur that we misunderstood each other about where to meet at PS! Haha. I was at one side of MRT station while she was at the other side XD Anws the movie was nice, funny and touching! Not that scary as i thought it to be XD My tears kept rolling down! To my surprise, Jane didn't let down tears! I felt so paiseh. LOLS. Ytd, 11 October 2008! I will never forget this day! hahas. Hmm.. ytd morning went for peer tutoring. Hehex. Bought chocolate for my tutee for belated children's Day present=) Then, went home to chiong written report. Alot of stuff to settle. Yup. But less than 1 month and my PW journey will come to an end le. So i got to hold on till the end! =D I went to park to run after i did part of written report! Woot! Few days didn't run le.. afelt bit uncomfortable. Hehex. So i was thinking my timing would be still somewhere around 22 min plus coz i did...
Yoz! My promotional exam is finally over! I should rejoiced rite? But i still feel that there is smth stuck within me. To say the truth, i am not happy and i dun noe how to spend these "free" days. It's rather torturing. I ruined my Chem paper 1 ytd. No time to do. After umpteen times doing mcqs at home, i still dun have proper time management. I really hate myself la. Anws, sjie's fav teacher walked around me ytd. hahas. When doing mcq paper, I usually put my OAS sheet in a "landscape mode", so it covers my particulars by the question papers. So he stood beside me, took my OAS paper and see whether i got fill in my particulars anot. Haha. I was surprised and i wanted to laugh coz i think of sjie. Then i think sjie kept looking at him and he knew he was at my table. So when he went off, i looked in the direction where sjie was sitting. LOLS. Coincidently, she also looked in my direction and our eyes met *****! LOLS. It's really funny and we started to la...
Yoz! So ytd i did went to val's hse! Hahas only after helping out at my ah yi's shop for while. My bro brought 2 chio friends to my ah yi's shop to be model. Oh my, 1 of his fren really looked like bai2 wei1 xiu4! Got one angle she posed really looked like her! Haha. They were indeed 100 thousands times better than me being a model la. So i was too paiseh to be model with them. Hehex. In the end, i stood aside and help out lo. Andd yup i went to val's hse ytd but didn't stay overnite though. I was the first one to reach there, the earliest one! Whee then bk came next, followed by jm, nich and so on. During waiting for the rest to come, i watched dog movie XD. I really tried my best to watch it but dun noe y i so tired until i kept dozing off. Oh my, i think "Meet the Spartans" we have watched was abit ... i dun noe how to say. Hehex. Near evening, we played pictionary which shumin had brought. My drawing not nice la! I was supposed to draw a guitar but du...
Yoz! The day before i opened my ah yi's shop alone, i was enjoying msning till 3 plus a.m! I miss that feeling although it was unhealthy to do that XD. Yup. So i was msning to ty about the ALAF competition thing and we started so called "suaning" each other. Hahas. He very funny XD. As u can see my p.m "win but lose" and he put lose but win" Hahas. Also msning with jh too. Understand whole history. Understand wad's going through. Seldom heard of such ppl exist. Rare. Admired. "The greatest acheivement in life is the ability to stand up after we fall", such a meaningful quote which has a frog with it. My mother went to paste this on the wall, behind this computer! So yup, i gan2 chu4 liang2 duo1. And i only made 1 business at my ah yi's shop! I felt so guilty! Ahhh.:X My promotional skill not that good! Must improve in this area. Alot of ppl went in to patronise but didn't buy! So we r working on how to attract big crowd. Woo=D Today i ...
Yoz okay let's continue! Hmm.. for this blog, it will kinda getting emotional...Yup promo coming and it was over last Friday. But why didn't I felt that "happiness" in me? I knew i was not prepared well for this promo. I dun have the same confidence which I have during my mid-yr exam. I am afraid of being retained. Alot of friends and even my bros said that I won't but everything is unpredictable. Who knows right? i dreamt of failing my promo. I dreamt of econ after my econ papers >. During the promo's preparation, friendship's matter still whirling around my head. I had that urge to juz email her telling wad I feel and everything i had been bottled for so long. But in the end, I didn't. I hope that we know in our heart wad's going on and that we will do smth about it. Today, I was hlping my ah yi in preparation for opening the ladies clothing shop for the entire day. Tired but felt s sense of satisfaction and achievement=). I didn't even th...
Yoz! 27 days have passed and here i am again! Hahaha woot very excited to blog about my birthday! Yup, my birthday was superb! Before my real birthday, meiqi, shijie, brenda, eileen, liying, jiamin, yilu, val, nich, bk, adam celebrated Audrey and my brithday at serangoon garden! I am really happy! Coz it was raining heavily and they made an effort to have dinner with us! We had a great fun having chicken rice- cum- steamboat tgt! Oh ya, I even saw my ny pe teacher! She didn't recognize me! LOLS!Anws, I rcv cards and presents from many of them and I am really touched. At night, I was reading the cards they gave on my bed. I started crying! Woo so emotional right? But really, I am really touched! Touched by their msges to me. Thank You!=D On my birthday itself, I totally could not get myself to study! Ahhh, my birthday mood! I was so excited! Thanks mother for cooking ji1 dan4 mian4 xian4 for me and father for your ang bao! Thanks auntie for buying a pair of nike shoes for me and sh...
Yoz! It had been a lonnnng time since i last blogged! I really wanted to blog but i can't really find time to do so! Hmm.. where should i start with? Okay Let's start from 9 August 2008, Singapore birthday! Pictures speak a thousand words so i shall use picture to depict how i felt on that day XD Singapore's flag flying! Beautiful Heart shape! Doesn't they look like pikachus? =) Beautiful Fireworks! =D My Best friend, Meiqi! =DDDDD Yup! I rmbed we had a great fun during that day! Hahahas. Going on.. hmm.. I am glad my friends cared for me. Although i thought it was not as obvious or wadever, my friends went up to me and "console" me. I was surprised and touched coz i ...
Yoz! So long no blog XD Well, I still vividly rmbed Thursday, 24 July- The day i broke down when i was taking GP essay test. Time flew off swiftly before the GP test and my friends and I were worrying about it. I was extremely nervous! I studied little although Mr Tan said no need to study as the essay test test our language. Do u think my language can make it? Unlikely. I know myself. I know the only way to score is to memorise content. Exam time-The atmosphere was scary. The qns paper was issued and I was appalled. All 12 qns were diffcult and i dun noe wad to choose. I literally cancelled out 12 qns! Sharks, in the end i recancelled and was left with 3 qns. I was jumping the qns here and there. Time was running short. In the end, i chose the qns for 1hr and i still dun noe wad to do on... I broke down and rose up my hand_. I went to the toilet, not too sure what i was going to do. I even called my bro and he told me to go back and complete it, no matter how difficult it may be. So,...
Yeahh! A big group of my relatives and family went to Singapore flyer yesterday! It was a fun-filled experience for all of us! We gathered at our ah ma's hse at around 2 before we set off to Singapore flyer. Hehe i was rather nervous la.. coz i am going to sit inside a capsule which will bring me high up off the ground! Hahas. My mother, jiu4 jiu4 and jiu4 mu3 were also abit nervous too! Can see from their expression. Before we went for the exciting ride, the 13 of us went to took pics tgt! And off we go! Yipee! Finally we approached the capsule and stepped into it! Once inside, most of us trying to grab a seat to sit. Haha. Coz quite nervous standing. Hahas. And it's photo-taking time! Woot! My mother, Godma and I =) Singapore Flyer! My bro trying to made fun of mother! Cheeze! ...
Yoz! It had been some times I last posted my blog. Well, during these times, many things happened. Both happy and sad things. But more of sad things though=X. I had even cried because i was really lost, don't know what to do. Oops..too emo le. Haha. Ranging from studies to friends relationship, there were many problems faced. But i know the biggest problem which had been bugging me will be the latter. Well, sometimes, i do find that we are really different. She told me everything. She "commanded" me to do things and follow her. I don't know this is called "trust" in me or not. I occasaionally could not stand her always having to command me. Maybe because my heart is not open to her? Or perhaps i got attitude problem? But i am really grateful to her that she will stand up for me whenever ppl tried to "bully" me. So i am in the dilemma. At some point of time, I am tired of everything. Tired to accomodate at times. That's not me.I will juz keep qu...
Yoz good morning! XD Hahahs! This morning, I had woke up alot of times bcoz i have been 吓醒, thinking that i was late for peer tutoring. XD. Anws, ytd we were having joke club meeting and discussed about the exciting upcoming event=). Me, the secretary had been busy during the meeting, jotting down all the notes and details. Hehe. The meeting was really fun! Haha, Rose and Yong Chang started to tell us joke and we were laughing hard. LOLS. I could still rmb Yong Chang telling Jia Hao that CWL's joke. Haha cannot tahan, stomach pain XD. Back home, I went to do PW at nite from 8 plus to 1 plus =X Hahas then i ask pj to find the sources which wwere redundant XD Andd pj and I suspected Edeline dozed off in front of computers coz she didn't reply us in msn. Haha. So after peer tutoring, I will be going to NBL for PW. Woot. Intensive PW-ing later! Jia you! Okay off I go for PT aka Peer Tutoring now! It's fun orientation time!=))
月亮在七月四号当天遇到挫折 为何当时不够镇定些? 失望交集着。 告诉自己不要想,但遍更要想。 七月六号 月亮把所有憋在心中的大小事都告诉了哥哥 哥哥耐心听,并说些鼓励她的话 啊!心中的大石放了下来--轻松。 Lask week was PW intensive. I stayed in the classroom from morning till late afternoon for 7 hrs straight although i did went out for lunch for 1 hr. In the classroom, some people playing poker cards and viwawa. LOLS. I even heard from friends that some guys even play dota too! It was a big headache doing on my project. Our focus not focussed yet. We kept zooming in and out. No linkage is another big problem. But we are more organized than before. This is the only point that consoles me=). However, there is still a long way to go and i am carrying a huge responsibility- to provide linkage for the whole WR! A huge challenge indeed! =D Some of the results which i had recieved back : Maths- E ; Chemistry-B I dun noe how many times i had said that my maths teacher have given me false hope. LOLS. But it's truth. She miscalculated the marks, 4 marks. In the end, I failed the exam. Well...