It's kinda weird to blog at this time. Haha. Oh well...

Today is the 3rd day that BK left for taiwan! Haha will he be awed by the 高山兮水的景色? Lol. I guess he's too busy to with army stuff for now. Today is a hot hot day in Sgp! Hmm how about taiwan? Ha.

Anws, I spent my saturday teaching korean kids tuition! Haha it's challenging and fun to teach them! I discovered that we have a common topic to talk about, that is, soccer! LOL. They love soccer and are fans of Man Utd! Haha they got collect their cards and have Man Utd accessories eg.wrist band! So cool xD And the whole family is so warm and friendly too! Always smiling (:

After tuition, i went to IT fair at expo with pj! We squeezed through the crowd there jus to buy A THUMBDRIVE! It was not that easy at all. Coz we had spent quite some time walking round and round the big expo hall to search for it. LOL. But well, we enjoyed chit-chatting during that time :D After that, we went to bugis to shop around and to hg mall to makan -cum- <3 to <3 talk. Ha. After I accompanied pj to take the bus and was on my way back home, i saw cartoon in cheers! LOL. I walked behind him and wanted to tap him to say hello! But to my surprise, his gf is jus standing in front lah. I 吓到 and faster change direction and walk to go hg mall
-.-". I think she got see me lah. So embarassing. LOL.

I love spending my day talking to ling ling ytd! Haha. We talked about office stuff, office ppl, family matters, personal matters..everything under the sun!! Eating, walking, and sitting down also talked. LOL. It was really the first time we talked sooo much :DD So when my mother asked me to pack up and go home, the two of us like abit "bu she de" each other! Haha.

Running, music and some key people are still my best anesthetic. Haha. They encourage me to face difficulties bravely and 漸漸了解事情.

让我快点自然醒 ba! LOL. Bye bye.


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