Night time makes me think deeper in thought.Some things have to be straightened out and deal with it, while others will just let nature takes its course.
Life before working was:
(1) Simple
(2) Fun
Life during working was:
(1) More complicated
(2) More matured-thinking
(3) More sociable and better interpersonal skill
(4) Complicated relationship but...
(5) More fun and madness!! (:
Life after working is:
(1) Aimless
(2) Missing the fun times working with wonderful people around
(3) Alot of things to settle but dunoe where to start from
(4) Think more in thought
Ask me which part of my journey i miss the most? Hmm.. bits and pieces here and there. I miss the good old times in xinmin when we played, quarelled and studied tgt; when our friendship was built and welcomed the birth of 8.1. I miss the times in NY where we studied hard and gave each other support. I miss the times in taiwan when i put down everything and enjoyed myself.I even miss the times when i spent 7 plus months in MSIG working...which had perhaps impacted me the most.
Thanks iris for bringing alot of laughter to me and teaching me to relax; Thanks jeanne and sharolyn for your guidance throughout these 7 mths..不管风吹雨打都帮我; Thanks zhenquan for the craps and jokes to make my day a little happier, and even taught me some life lessons that r beyond the work scope; Thanks hidayat for being friendly, funny and calling me sunshine; Thanks ....and still many thanks to all who have make differences and add colour to my life! :D
Perhaps it is never meant to be.
Bk is flying off to tw soon. Yi yan nan jing, all the very best and jiayou there!! U can if u believe(:
Yawns...time to turn in. Good nite (:
Life before working was:
(1) Simple
(2) Fun
Life during working was:
(1) More complicated
(2) More matured-thinking
(3) More sociable and better interpersonal skill
(4) Complicated relationship but...
(5) More fun and madness!! (:
Life after working is:
(1) Aimless
(2) Missing the fun times working with wonderful people around
(3) Alot of things to settle but dunoe where to start from
(4) Think more in thought
Ask me which part of my journey i miss the most? Hmm.. bits and pieces here and there. I miss the good old times in xinmin when we played, quarelled and studied tgt; when our friendship was built and welcomed the birth of 8.1. I miss the times in NY where we studied hard and gave each other support. I miss the times in taiwan when i put down everything and enjoyed myself.I even miss the times when i spent 7 plus months in MSIG working...which had perhaps impacted me the most.
Thanks iris for bringing alot of laughter to me and teaching me to relax; Thanks jeanne and sharolyn for your guidance throughout these 7 mths..不管风吹雨打都帮我; Thanks zhenquan for the craps and jokes to make my day a little happier, and even taught me some life lessons that r beyond the work scope; Thanks hidayat for being friendly, funny and calling me sunshine; Thanks ....and still many thanks to all who have make differences and add colour to my life! :D
Perhaps it is never meant to be.
Bk is flying off to tw soon. Yi yan nan jing, all the very best and jiayou there!! U can if u believe(:
Yawns...time to turn in. Good nite (: