
Showing posts from 2012

What's next?

Celebrate or (and) weep, then what's next? I didn't feel as excited anymore when I am getting this semester's results, except that I am afraid I would get a C/D for my worst core module. I am really glad that I have gotten a B for that with a surprising A for another core module which I think I thought i would never get that grade (Yay, I managed to prove that I am still able to survive in a class of crossover students). Other than that, I didn't bother as much about my GPA as the last time. I am satisfied, and this semester is so called the first time when I didn't really take results to heart, really (but I will still put in my very best in the things I do). I am happy that I did :) Over the past few weeks, I had been enjoying my hols except the "sick" weeks and suddenly, a thought chanced upon me thinking about what I want to do to better myself as a future teacher. Last semester, I plucked up my courage to go to pets shelter and want to do smth...


For the better? Or for the worst? (right now) Maybe, I am subconciously uncomfortable with changing the ways I see about some things. Maybe, I am subconciously uncomfortable with changing the ways I think about some things. Maybe, I am subconciously uncomfortable with changing the ways that I do/handle some things. Maybe, I am still uncomfortable with changes. Despite such subconcious discomfort, changes continues, because I am pushed to follow the overwhleming flow, because the seemingly good ones camoflage the potential bad ones. It's encouraging to see myself being brave enough to attempt more changes. Yet, not everything should change with the flow or (and) situation.  I guess it's time to place a halt and strike a balance.

Thoughts within.

Thoughts #1 As English is more commonly used in today's context, I know I need to overcome my obstacle and fear for it. This would be especially so as I would be a teacher in near future.  Since young, I am not a very English language person. I would always fail to articulate well in this langauge when there are alot of people and when there are other people who have better English command than me present. Gradually, I feel a sense of inferiority when I speak to people in English. In secondary school, if not for my hardwork and help given by my teacher, my English would cmi. In JC, English got harder and my GP grade was near a fail grade. Since then, I was thinking, if I have gotten a better grade for that language (as well as for maths and econs), would I be entering another course in university. I felt inferior once again when I needed to take the EPT test before I go into...

Life is not just about the rat race

The recess week had been a good buffer time for me to relax abit and did the things which I wished but did not have the time to do =)) Although I have not been able to revise much during this break, I managed to get some time reflecting what had gone wrong all these while and make improvement to them. It feels good that everything seems to be back in place and run smoothly currently. I know and am pepared that things might get messed up again but I will try my best to manage them to the best I can. I also feel really touched by mq, cl and my family's continuous support when I was feeling down and stressed up previously. Thanks all for being there for me, cheering me up=')) The friendship strengthened, the relationship grows, and kinship becomes more cherished by me. As I proceed on with the rest of the semester, I hope that I will continue to better myself, as a student and as a person in general. Time Mana...

The Admission

Reality check. This semester is really a tough period for me, with loads of individual and group work projects. I wondered whether is I was too used to the previous slack semester such that the transition to this hectic semester was unbearable for me.I seem to lost myself in the mountains of work. I lost my own tempo in doing things and follow the others' tempo instead. I am feeling increasingly uncomfortable bcoz, I am, just not feeling being myself. I dont deny that my group mates are way more hardworking than me, and they could sacrifice their time and meal for the projects. I would certainly do the same, but the extent I am willing to sacrifice was far too little when compared to them. I felt guilty about it so I pushed myself to do the best like them. But, I kept feeling that I am not comparable to them and thus, feeling more discomfort. Initially, I thought that the stipen...

Special 21st ='))

The past few days were my most memorable days celebrating my 21st with my family, CL, NYJC friends, NIE friends and it will still be so this sat with 8.1 =) Thank you for planning not one, not two but a series of surprises for me. Thank you for loving me so much! :D These really mean alot to me Zhen de, xie xie ni :') Thank you for specially coming down to my house to pass me my fav soya bean drink and cake with wang wang xiao man tou (it's not childish btw=D) Thank you for accompanying and giving me continuous support for the past 9 years I really cherish our friendship =)) and, I believe our friendship will last long :')

As the new academic year begins,

and as the tough might get tougher, I will hold on to my goal, press on and do my ^ very best =) I have not regretted how I spent my past three month holiday and will not forget the experiences and incidents I had during those period of time. My holiday is certainly more fulfilling and worthwhile compared to the last time:) ...In the making of a meaningful and satisfying half a year ahead ;) *I can and I will*

Comfort Zone

Like a boy-girl relationship, friendship also have its stages- Comfort stage. It's really nice to have a bunch of very close friends whom you are comfortable in talking to, playing with and sharing own troubles with them. But sometimes, when too comfortable, one will forget to be as appreciative as before or might take certain things for granted. I have to admit that I do act and behave in this way at times too.. When proactive actions become reactive and that more actions can be seen when push comes to shove.. And so, it's time to step out of comfort zone, and learn to put words into action when saying about appreciating friendship.

Happy Birthday, Singapore! =))

Once again, 9 August, but this year 2012. It's Singapore's independence day, her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Singapore! =D It was really a shock to me when I heard about those rumours. Really prayed hard that it is not true..=S Hope to see him at the NDP parade tmr..=)

Emotional Control

Sometimes, I do feel that I am easily affected by other people's behaviours. Whatever it is, I should just keep my cool and dont think too much. Yes, from now on.

Thought of the night

I realised that I have been feeling a little moody recently, especially after the surgery. I would usually go for a run whenever I am down, but this time, I cant. The feeling of wanting to run, but not be able to run is quite uncomfortable. Just like there's something important missing in my life.. The swelling and surgery had incurred high medical costs and disrupted my holidays which I had planned thus far. No running, no going to ALL, no eating of seafood etc etc. All the things I like to do got to be paused for the moment, and I blamed myself for not taking good care of my health even more. Nevertheless, I wont let this to stop me from making full use of my holiday to do what I want. I will still go to ALL and run once I have recovered, and will start to tidy up my room and help in house  chores hopefully? Haha. But perhaps, this recovery process should be the time for me to spend more time on those I have neglected; my...

Imperfect perfection

Almost everything seems to fall so perfectly in place such that in many occasions, I do feel kind of scared that I might not be appreciative enough and might lose them one day. Such a silly thought though, but yea that's what I have been feeling...Haha. All I wish to do now is to cherish the moments, people (especially my close and loved ones) and the things I have. I will also give my best to better them. Other than that, 就顺其自然吧... 因为, 不完美还是最完美的 (:

That promise.

"A promise made is a debt unpaid"- Robert Service I cant agree more to this statement. That promise and the whole episode makes me look like a fool. Indeed, I am gullible :S I planned to let it be and let the nature takes its course. I don't wish to explain, because I am tired of it. Similar problem just exist. But, "give her the benefits of doubts". Yes, I will. Because I hope to believe that she will understand, I hope she really will. A chat with my mum and cl, a fun trip to USS with 8.1, as well as a spontaneous day out with cl (mainly to brighten up my mood which it eventually did ((: ) certainly made me feel much much better now :')

Food for thought

Today I went to Pets Villa as volunteer to help out, together with adam,bk,cl and val. Compared to the first previous visit, the voluntary work today was pretty tougher this time. Besides scooping food into the dogs' bowls and feeding them, I had to help picked up pretty much poos and mop the urine there. Omg. My mum will sure be jealous of the dogs there because I didn't help her do housechores at home and did those stuff there! HAHAHA xD Oops time to do smth as a daughter le.. Anws, I was also being "challenged" by auntie say hoe to take up a mounting task, that was, to clean up dog cages! =O Although it appeared to be quite scary at first because of some "exciting" dogs, but I overcame it pretty well and I am quite proud of myself!:D Haha. It was also the first time I teared at Pets Villa and quite some times since I last teared.. This is the reason why I teared so much today: As usual to what I d...


It's all about choices. There's no right or wrong in some circumstances. Most importantly, it's the mutual understanding, and of course, trust towards the person who has made that choice. I have no regret because at least, I did try it with the company of my closest friends, and that, now I know that I am not suitable for the place and will never go there again. And so, that's it.  Only regret is that it had led to conflict between us:S


My slack school semester has finally ended. Unlike the past few semesters when I would really get very high and say, "YAY, it's finally over!", I wasnt' this high this time round. That's probably because I have slacked through this semester and so, whether the exams is over anot, I didn't feel much difference. Oh no, is it a good sign or a bad sign? :O Also, I will have the feeling of "emptiness" when the exams are over and there's nothing more to study for now. Certainly not a good sign =S And so, with the semester drawing to an end, I am more motivated to make full use of the time to do the things that I want to do, and not spent so much of it on sleeping like what I would usually do. I had been staying at home for the past 3 days, planning my holiday acitivites, from finding jobs to planning our holiday expedition around Singapore! (: I feel a little sense of achievement after what I had done *Hehe* I am also feeling ...

Love language

What is love? "Love is seeing an imperfect person perfectly" "Love is embracing differences and discovering ways in which to build a common lifestyle, share decision-making, and taking equal responsibility for the results."  It not only applies to just a boy-girl relationship, but also to family as well as close friends (8.1)(: Then, what is love language? There are five love languages:  •Words of Affirmation This is when you build your boyfriend/family/friends' self image and confidence by affirming them through words verbally. •Quality Time Some people believe doing things together and focusing in on one another is the best way to show love. •Gifts It is universal in human cultures to give gifts. They don't have to be expensive to send a powerful message of love.  •Acts of Service Discovering how you can best do something for your boyfriend/family/friends will require time, effort and creativity. These acts of service need to be done wit...
I just need to focus more and get down to real tasks as a work smart-work hard student for just less than two months. Just that. Just do it *tick*
I am grateful for the many things that we had gone through together, bettering each other and making our friendship stronger day by day. Thanks for being who you are, and making a great impact on my life. I believe that our friendship will last, if we keep on maintaining it (: 祝我们的友谊万岁! :D
Just how much more can I hang in there? Internal motivation is draining :S What will it become if one day, I just totally give up on trying bcoz I am really drained by the responsibility that I am carrying? But deep inside me, I know that I won't give up; I would like to prove to myself that I can do it, as long as it's within my own means. Even if it's not within my own means, I will give my best bcoz as long as I try, there will not be much regret. Back again, how come such a positive thought comes and goes when I am handling these stuff? Then, I begin to wonder why I agree to take up such a position, why I am working so hard for? I guess, to seriously say, I took on the position is more towards bcoz there are no other available choice to choose from. Perhaps, that's why I always got to struggle with that little devil in my head when things went wrong etc. Maybe my heart of being a C/H is just not totally there, yet. I am just merely trying to fulfill my task and resp...
A memorable 27th Feb spending under the night sky for hours(: Keep going, two-way communication! Builds up our relationship, stronger((:
Thanks for your hand-baked, sweet (taste of the macarons! Hahaha =P) and special Valentine's Day gift! Really appreciate it! Shall work harder for my ice cream swiss roll! Heh. Happy Valentine's Day! ((:
A series of things just happened within the past 2 days. Dramatic and overwhelming. I never commit any huge mistake before for CCA or another non-academic stuff in my entire life. But this time, I did it in FoC. I condemn myself, and even doubt my ability to do things well as a leader now. I had not been eating well nor slping well after this thing happens. But I am glad that the situation did improve, and those who cares about what's happening to me. Thanks for your concern, I really appreciate it! (: I also somehow glad that this whole episode suddenly makes me to become more careful and serious in what I do, which is a good thing! Haha. Think positive. Lol. On a muchhhhh happier note, today marks our first month, being together (: Thanks for being who you are, and bettering me all this while. I believe that there will be many more months, and eventually years to come as we make it happen,together ((:
Different people have different perspectives, so they bring across their ideas and thoughts to the rest via communication. Understanding towards one another can be enhanced via communication and communication is only effective if both parties are willing to talk about it. That's called open communication (: I believe in proper open communication, be it with friends, loved ones, kids and main comm. Just do it ;)
You have become one of the most important people in my life. Thanks for being part of my life (: "Easy is keep the friendship with words Difficult is to keep it with meanings" Bcoz I am part of the clique, I care. Bcoz I cherish that I am part of the clique, I voiced out. I really hope that 8.1 can overcome the most pressing problem tgt now. Let's keep and maintain our friendship with meanings (:
Memorable day of 1 Jan. How I wish everyday will be as happy as today (: