
Showing posts from 2014

Back to September:)

As always, September is my all-time favorite month:) Not only bcoz it's my birthday month, but there's teachers' day and September holiday:) This was my very first time celebrating teachers' day as a teacher!:D I felt really excited and had looked forward to it very much. I am really touched by my form class students, who gave me birthday surprise early in the morning with sweet messages on the board, as well as the teachers' day presents. The girls were really sweet, and their gratitude towards the teachers were overwhelming yet heartwarming. The teachers' day message written by my form class touched the most bottom of my heart, and made me realize the teacher that I believe one should be, and what I want to be:') I didnt really enjoy USS as much with the teachers, mainly bcoz I am not very shou with most teachers, but I am glad that I have 3 close colleagues whom I took rides together with. Although you all might not see my blog, but thanks alot for y...

Ignite Change:)

I am really really glad and grateful to have attended the 2-day course (thanks to gwen), for I discover more about myself, what I wish to do, and who I wish to become:) To say the truth, the past 2-day course was quite emotionally tough for me as I found myself needing to fight back against my tears when I listened to stories from instructors, friends, and fellow colleagues. It really got me thinking a lot about what I really want out of what I am learning and doing. Yvonne is my new inspiration- Many a time, I found myself having a roller coaster sort of feeling when I listened to her emotional stories. I am truly moved, inspired and enlightened. (However...Is it a 3-minute impulse? Am I up to it?) I never feel so motivated before ever since I entered into NIE. The thought that it fits so perfectly to the person I hope I can be and I can do is my greatest motivation right now to start my engine (which was faulty since 4 years ago). Of course, I do aware that it might be a great ...


It has been hectic week for me recently. Though tired and burnt out, I wouldnt trade it for anything else bcoz there will not be another round of such experiences again:) On the 4th August: I have finally GRADUATED!:') This is the day, not for myself, but for my dearest parents who were looking exceptionally happy and excited. I really loved seeing them beaming with joy as they witnessed my entire graduation day-  from wearing my graduation gowns to going up on stage & receive my grad cert to taking pictures together:') To say the truth, I was initially dreading the graduation ceremonies bcoz I was thinking how sad I would be not having alot of graduating friends to take pic tgt and yet, have to see the rest taking so many pictures with their other course mates :l However, my thoughts changed when my parents excitedly asking me how we were going to the campus and when I saw in the wadsapp how 8.1 were planning to meet me in NTU:') On this big day, I really fee...

Teacher without border.

For the one month since I started out working, I felt the greatest sense of satisfaction from doing volunteering work for school and public over the past weekend:)  (although I feel that I could have contribute more) I wish I can do more, to influence and better lives, be it physically or mentally. That's why I hope to learn some first-aid skill (somewhere in the future) to protect/save lives, besides bettering the skill of educating to inculcate right values in people. The thought of doctors without border came to my mind, and I wondered if there is teachers without border too. To my surprise, there actually is!:D But ohh man how I wish the 4-year bond doesn't exist, and that I am free to make any further decision for this stage of my life:/ Nevertheless, Ming Hui let's be optimistic! I should start out by focusing on influencing and bettering lives locally, before I can do so internationally right?? :) When the time comes such that I am able to put down cer...

Just, for you:)

Came across this oldie song by 范瑋琪 while I was browsing videos for my lesson xD Specially dedicating it to my three closest and most important friends/sisters in my life:) Thanks for always being there for me: mq, pj and lev:))

Light it up.

突然有莫总冲动想要做内心想做的事情。 Perhaps, it is my current missing fellow course mate in Cambodia who shrugs me awake about the thoughts I am having. Suddenly, I realized that something I am not quite yet done doing what I love to do. Where's my passion towards baking gone to? Why do I contain my passion for music or dance? Why didnt I go and sign up for guitar/piano lessons and yoga/zumba? Or perhaps, it is that blue note book. Just awhile ago, I chanced upon a book which I had recorded about my past efforts and reflections during my JC journey, with many of the ups and downs, and of course, many self-motivation I have given myself during the stressful period of time. I felt kinda sad that the pagees after that were blanks as I did not continue filling them up during my uni journey. Now, I hope that I can keep these efforts and reflection alive and going by continue penning down aspirations about the next stage of my life. Hope that I would be half or more than half done doing what ...

Putting things into perspectives.

A good chat under the night sky after the run:) However, it seems that my "stubborness" has somehow rejected listening to other POVs, which creates conflict with my personal belief and "un-confidence." Sometimes, seeking to be understood is much more complex than seeking to understand. And it hurts a little and feels sense of discomfort when you fail to be understood. Perhaps, I should seek first to understand (understand situation at a deeper level from different perspectives), in order to be understood. Or perhaps,  I just need to open my heart to put the things into different perspectives. Yes, I can.

First Day.

Just a shout-out here. I should have expected that my first day of school would not be that easy. I was literally overwhelmed by everything that just come to me, with at least 5 teachers looking for me to discuss certain issues and some teachers who becomes kinda unfriendly and have words within their words (and many other incidents).  Monday blues, maybe? First day of school. 12 hours in school. Madness. #I am just saying..xD  On the brighter note, I am glad to have left my school laptop in school, because that means no work at home. It feel even more shiok using my acer laptop doing other non work-related stuff :) This should be the way (but I hope I wont have to stay back till late to finish my stuff just because I want to leave school laptop in school xD) Already missing the days of fun with my bestest friends and penguin.   Nevertheless, I feel better after typing out my thoughts. Thank you, my blog :)

Under the night sky.

A sudden urge to blog at this moment, but under the night sky. "Just because the past didnt turn out like you wanted it to, doesnt mean the future cant be better than you ever imagined" A quote that I have come across via fb just awhile ago, at the right moment, for me. Hope this can motivate me to embrace my near future better and, bravely:')

The Fault in Our Stars.

It has been long since I have teared while watching a movie. Though a simple story plot, the movie is, simply beautiful and touching :') Certainly worth some of your time to watch this movie:) Oh yes, I don't mind watching this movie again:') “There will come a time when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything. There will be no one left to remember Aristotle or Cleopatra, let alone you. Everything that we did and built and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten and all of this will have been for naught. Maybe that time is coming soon and maybe it is millions of years away, but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever. There was time before organisms experienced consciousness, and there will be time after. And if the inevitability of human oblivion worries you, I encourage you to ign...


I have been feeling very happy recently. I guess it is the little things here and there that add up to what I am feeling so far:) I am feeling happy because I managed to settle things more quickly instead of postponing; I am feeling very happy because I finally managed to talk to friends whom I have not talked to for quite a long time (you know who you are):); I am feeling very very happy because I am able to interact with Cedar girls to understand them better through my geog field trips; I am feeling happier because there is a stronger sense of bonding in my family:D; I am feeling even happier because days spent with boyfriend are just awesome no matter what we do   {Happiness are appreciating the little things in life} Just a post to remind me of the happy days I have in my life =)

Recollection, Realization.

It feels great to be home!:) I have decided to give my blog a little new look (almost wanted to change to another blog link xD) to signify a real beginning (and better change) for me and my life:)  Just in case for those who will not seeing me that often in the future (and  that I might be too busy to contact you), hope that my blog can be another connection between me and you. Of course, I hope I will be able to hear about your life in some way or another too:) Although it is a mere 12-day Europe trip, I felt that it was pretty long, probably like a few weeks. Sounds like I had missed home badly! xD Anws I would give a pat on my own shoulder bcoz I have finally stepped out of my comfort zone and experience different ways of life:) Although there are cl and his family, as well as mq around during this trip, I felt some sense of accomplishment of being more independent during this trip:) Most importantly, it feels awesome to have gained richer insights about life as wel...

It's no longer just about the 20 seconds of courage.

In certain situation, there is a need for a sudden burst of courage to get things done. Such example can be asking a person to give up a seat for another person, say a pregnant lady. Or, for a happier case, asking a person to be someone he/she really want to be with for life. As these situations have their own "location" and "time" to actually take place, there's a need for "that" moment of courage to say it out. In other situation, it's no longer about needing such moments of courage to get things through. It's now about the confidence. Yes, I am talking about my inferior mouth which is lacking of "that" confidence. The one which would procrastinate to talk, and for many times, swallow the words which can be thrown out. That's probably can explain why I always respect/admire those people who speaks eloquently, always hoping to get inspired by them, and sometimes feeling inferior with their presence.  Up to a point when I somet...


Hello to 2014! Although 2013 has become a past tense, I will not forget the many things learnt from different episodes. As the new year unfolds, I hope to make it an enriching and fulfilling one: Work 1. Enjoy myself (and cherish my remaining freedom) as a student for my last studying semester ..BUT will continue to work smart (+hard) for my remaining modules 2. Be an encouraging, inspiring and patient teacher     ..WHO teaches the students by going through their hearts before getting to their minds                     ..WHO opens the students' boundaries to experience more things around them                                   ..WHO seeks to understand and motivates the students to bec...