Level up or Tyco?
Just want to pen down this to remember how happy I feel today:) I used to be super scared, and would 露出 my nervousness when talking in front of so many people. Surprsingly, I found myself pretty collected and my heart wasn't thumping fast when conducting lessons with 5 classes of students (and with other teachers around) this morning! I still feel quite unbelievable that I did it, but have a great sense of satisfaction somehow:) Perhaps, this means that I have stepped out of my comfort zone? Or is it just nice that I was comfortable talking to this group of students? Or it because of the yoga which I did ytd night at home which make me feel collected for this morning lecture? Whatever it is, I hope I did 'level up' instead of 'tyco' haha. 再接再厉, moOn!:)💪