Yoz! Here to blog again. Not so frquent though. hahas.

Anws, life in NY is fun and enjoyable! But left one more week in NY le.( My O Level's result is 10 pts! Though i am not so happy coz i wanted a single digit, I still felt contented with what i get =D) After the JAE result's out, I will perhaps go AJC le. Though abit she3 bu4 de2, but I am sure i will also quite enjoy in AJC although the sch is very hiong in studies! =DD

I am very proud and contented with myself bcoz i helped to clean my house's wall and scrub the floor in my house today! WAHAHAS.Morning started doing my PW work, then around afternoon started my spring cleaning! HAHAS. Although it was tiring, I feel a sense of satisfaction after everything was done. Yea.

Then BK called to discuss about 405'07 CNY dinner juz now at night. Well, it's really not easy to be planner, especially to plan smth gathering when everyone is in different school. Anws, my father and mother were tidying up the books belonging to my father. Then my father suddenly took smth and walked towards me while i was talking on phone with BK. To my horror, it was a dragonfly specimen! But at first, I thought he was taking a beetle to me or wad so ever scary insects, so i screamed my lungs out loud into the phone..lols.. sorry bk, u r the innocent victim who dun noe wad's going on and have to bear with that loud scream..hahas.

Anws back to NY life... Really enjoy being with shijie, bk, farah, nich, rachael, jamie, shihua and jiamin together in NY. I am abit apologetic that i pangseh most of them and choose AJC. But then, our friendship will stay as close as it is, i hope=)

Okay okay, i will try to blog as frequent as possible. Hahas, i am too lazy to try to blog everyday. But i will try my best to do so! See ya in the next post=D!


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