Yoz! Today was a super funny day! HAHAS.. had been spending most of time laughing sia.

In the morning, we had our P.E lesson and we had a series of unusual games...other form of badminton style game. We went up to the hall and got ourselves prepared. To start with, our grp members were lagged including me. Only Guo Hao was observant enough to spot that the grp that we had formed was sitting in alternate with black and white odessey tee! Moreoever, 4 people were wearing white ones while another 4 wore the black one! So coincidence and sooo coool!!!!! I n addition, 2 girls 2 boys white, 2 girls 2 boys black! So we decided to split ourselves into The black society and The white society. LOLS. Anws, the first unusual game would be using the bowl to scoop/ catch the ball. LOLS.. U know what? As my friend passed the ball to me, i had to hit it with the bowl to other side of my opponent's team. To my surprise, the bowl which i was holding on simply flew over to another side.. then my whole grp was like laughing at me like mad lohx..hahas. But still although it was boring, but it's fun=)) Guo Hao made a comment that with me around, the game was much more fun! LOLS.. Then we played chaptek game by hitting it like a shuttlecock! LOLS

Next, i really can't catch the ball properly during my econ lesson coz i dun really get wad the teacher really mean. I bet that some of the rest also can't catch it either. But anws, geography lecture was fun and funniest ever! Today, I have seen another side of Mr Yeo! LOLS, a funny side of him since most of time i have seen him being strict during lessons. Don't know why, perhaps getting sick, Mr yeo kept forgetting the 1st variables ( intercourse variable) influencing the rate of fertility. he asked quite alot of times..4 to 5 times! And we were all really laughing like crazy la.. coz it was simply funny! And for the last time he used that 1st variable again, he told us not to tell him the anwser 1st. And he got it! Intercourse variable! hahas. He was a nice teacher. He cancelled the geography seminar in the afternoon, so making us easier and did not have to wait for 2 1/2 hr for the lesson to get started. No ZZZZZ monster attack during ghostly hour yahx!XDDDDD

And today, Shijie, Guo Hao and I were laughing like mad bcoz of Regina whokept saying "chao ah gua". LOLS. Esp at the canteen when we saw Mr Tan, Regina suddenly got agitated, kept saying chao ah gua, monk! LOLS..we were all laughing incessantly la..plus during chi lessons, when chi lao shi talk about ke wen.. then link to gay stuff.. Regina suddenly shouted "chao ah gua" again! LOLS..all the 3 of us were laughing like mad again, including the rest coz they knew wad's gg on! When the chi lao shi asked us wad we were laughing at, of course we didn't tell her at all! HAHAS..

Yeahx so today was really a fun and interesting day indeed. Cheers and smiles=DDDDD


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