
Showing posts from March, 2015

My greatest source of motivation.

At this very moment, I am q-ing outside the Instana. The queue is really long, and I am actually in the queue outside PS. It really touching to see how so many of us stood patiently for their turn, and I believe Mr Lee is also touched in another world:') Yesterday was a really trying day for me, to manage my emotions upon hearing the passing of Mr Lee when I woke up from my sleep. I guessed I was right, to have a vibe about this happening when there was a really loud thunder and lightening at SGH yesterday. It might be, a sign. The toughest part for me was to actually travel to school with a heavy heart, to hear my Principal telling the school about the passing of Mr Lee, to seeing the flag half-flown and having one minute of silence. My colleagues teared. I teared, uncontrobally. I needed to tell myself to control them so that I would be able to talk to my students about it later on. Nevertheless, I was not ready and my co-form helped to facilitate the discussion. My hear...

Emotional Ride.

I should have been more mean and firm. I should have heeded advices and not go school last Friday. I regretted to put myself in the messy situation which put me off quite abit. Nevertheless, the Friday night (with my closest friends), as well as subsequent weekend days were much better although some were not according to plans. I think thinking-cum-planning flexibly and positively do make great differences and wonder after all:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Today, CL and I decided to go to SGH to "visit MM Lee" under heavy downpour, and I was feeling disheartening to hear that his condition has worsened.  As we didn't prepare any card nor flowers, I have decided to make use of the available resources in my bag to write something for MM Lee- A sachet bag with paper-made roses, hearts and letter from us. At the moment when there was frequent lightening and loud thunder, my hands were fee...


最近, 听见很多传闻李光耀先生病情危急,在加护病房留院观察. 心里蛮担心不安的 :'/ 对于有些人的紧张担心, 我感同生受 :/ 对于有些人 胡乱猜疑, 我感到害怕又气愤 :'/ 对于有些人乘机乱造谣不好听的话, 我更是为李光耀先生打抱不平 >: / 希望外面的情况不会影响他的病情. Although most people hope that he will have a speedy recovery, others feel that he will not recover. Regardless of anything and everything, I just hope that the social media and other people would just leave him and his family alone, to let him recuperate, or otherwise, make an "exit" in the hospital peacefully. "Even from my sick bed, if you are going to lower me down to the grave and I feel something is wrong, I will get up." "There is an end to everything and I want mine to come as quickly and painlessly as possible, not with me incapacitated,  half in coma in bed,, and with a tube going into my nostrils and down to my stomach." Recently, I have been reading up news about MM Lee and his past. While some may blame him for being the bad guy and sacrificing Singaporeans' freedom, ...

沉默的, 羔羊

我不是 沉默的羔羊  我有话 要讲  给我 一点酒  让我 有勇气  向你吐露 我的悲伤  That negative mentality continues to stay in my mind, as I told myself that I will sort it out once and for all someday, soon. To say the truth, it is not really THAT stressed as the work is not that much throughout the week~ After years and past months of attempts to stay positive by thinking different on the brighter side of different pathway to work towards to, 心里总是带着无奈. Imagine you are just always worrying about not able to do as good job as the rest. Imagine you are always worrying and getting nervous for lessons although you have spent so much time preparing for them. Imagine you still feeling sunday and monday blues before the end of that day comes. Imagine you always wanting to count down to the end of 4-year bond, but you resisted because you don't want to make yourself sound so miserable. Imagine you are still thinking negatively despite all the attempts to think positive and working out different pathways to what you ...