
最近, 听见很多传闻李光耀先生病情危急,在加护病房留院观察.

心里蛮担心不安的 :'/

对于有些人的紧张担心, 我感同生受 :/
对于有些人 胡乱猜疑, 我感到害怕又气愤 :'/
对于有些人乘机乱造谣不好听的话, 我更是为李光耀先生打抱不平 >: /


Although most people hope that he will have a speedy recovery, others feel that he will not recover. Regardless of anything and everything, I just hope that the social media and other people would just leave him and his family alone, to let him recuperate, or otherwise, make an "exit" in the hospital peacefully.

"Even from my sick bed, if you are going to lower me down to the grave and I feel something is wrong, I will get up."

"There is an end to everything and I want mine to come as quickly and painlessly as possible, not with me incapacitated,  half in coma in bed,, and with a tube going into my nostrils and down to my stomach."

Recently, I have been reading up news about MM Lee and his past. While some may blame him for being the bad guy and sacrificing Singaporeans' freedom, others do thank him for his effort and determination to build Singapore to what it is today. I know that I have not read enough about MM Lee and what he did in the past, and might show biasness towards him. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that he had sacrificed most part of his life to build the country, to bring peace and prosperity to this country, and to account for the few millions Singaporeans' lives responsibly.

 For that, I salute him. My highest honour for you,  MM Lee :') <3>


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