
Showing posts from June, 2015


Feeling a little down and so, I decided to use my laptop for a little while. And woah, I happened to chance upon some msn convo which I have chosen to save because I don't want too forget the details or the entire convo with those people. With every word document that I have opened, I found myself smiling, silently giggling and also, moving nearly to tears while recalling those past fond memories. I guess the ones which have impacted greatly on me would be YM and MQ's convo. Recently, I have been seeing Ivan & HK's photo, and Jack & Sarah's photo on facebook (and now, YM's convo). All these just made me ponder how things will be different if I were to be with either of another guy, be it Jack, Ivan or YM. It is not that I am having negative thoughts about my current r/s, but the decision to get tgt with someone is really crucial, and that decision also signifies a promise to commit wholeheartedly to the relationship. And I am quite glad that CL and I have ...

Flaw in Human Nature

"With the proliferation of Information & Communication Technology (ICT), more and more people are getting more interconnected, and will be able to keep themselves updated with the "first-hand" news happening around the world." I still vaguely remember that I used to write that for my GP essay when the topic is on ICT. Although I have my own train of thought and set of argument, I used to be always stuck in writing such argumentative essay. Lack of  current affair knowledge and critical thinking in me, I would say. During the JC days, I used to find that reading up on current affair was a chore. With the intimidation by feary Mr Tan, I forced myself to read newspaper and even wake up at 5.30a.m in the morning to listen to the BBC news especially when there was GP lesson that particular day. All I could recall was the hard time trying to remember the facts- which I forgot they are, but the only one I know is about Haiti because Mr Tan actually drew out part of t...

Can I Have This Dance?

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do And with every step together, we just keep on getting better So can I have this dance (can I have this dance) Can I have this dance?:) Am still in love with this song and feeling 幸福 hearing it=D

A walk down the memory lane.

Finally, it is my turn today to be at NMS, walking in the memorial exhibition about Mr Lee Kuan Yew. I was wondering when would be the best time for me to go one day, and it was by chance that I went today after buying Father's day present for my dad. I don't know whether I was ready to walk through this memorial exhibition, my heart was feeling kind of emotional when I was nearing the gallery walk. To say the truth, I seldom make "great" effort to read though every word I see from the board in museums, unless I am really interested in them. But I did this time, reading both English and Chinese words. (I am proud that I am still able to read almost all Chinese characters:DD..but not so for arO xP) I was really captivated by the story that I was reading along the gallery walk, and took longer glances at Mr Lee's belongings.The videos and his voice played were still as inspirational, regardless of how many times I have listened.  He was a man, who have decided ...

In deeper thought.

Finally June holiday has arrived, and the best thing is that I don't have to go back for any meeting during the one month break. Only for this time, for our March holiday was committed to school stuff. It would be a perfect time for holiday, BUT I choose to stay in Singapore in the end (despite contemplation to go on  solo trip). Oh well.. reason that I have given was that I just returned back to Singapore from US, so don't want to travel so fast again. But I think procrastination is the main culprit:X Although I will be staying in for one month, I am glad that I have followed what I have planned for myself pretty fine:3 From meeting up with friends to cooking/baking spree with my mum, to being active by running at least twice per week, I am proud that I have followed through pretty well:D More exciting things ahead, with 2 upcoming staycation and other activities which I am still planning!:) Hope it will be a GREAT one month break  for me! Haha. On a side note, I am prett...

A dream comes true:)

Earlier this year, I have received an email regarding Destination Imagination Singapore, and the opportunity to go to University of Tennessee in United States if the group gets top in the categories. Recalling the thought which I had when I saw this email, my eyes lighted up in delight, thinking, " Wahh..能去就好!".  3 weeks ago, 我真的 "圆梦" :3 It was really un-un unbelievable to be given such a golden opportunity to travel so faraway with students and teachers. I was having self-doubt initially when cl and my 8.1 strongly encouraged me to go. Nevertheless, their "去啦!" really pushed me to move out of my comfort zone to explore the world out there, no regrets:D From the pre- to post- trip, there were different ups and downs along the journey. I would not want to blame anybody here, but the different segments of the experiences made me learn alot of intangible lessons. I guess the main takeaway would be to be firm in my decisions and instructions given to ...