A walk down the memory lane.

Finally, it is my turn today to be at NMS, walking in the memorial exhibition about Mr Lee Kuan Yew. I was wondering when would be the best time for me to go one day, and it was by chance that I went today after buying Father's day present for my dad. I don't know whether I was ready to walk through this memorial exhibition, my heart was feeling kind of emotional when I was nearing the gallery walk.

To say the truth, I seldom make "great" effort to read though every word I see from the board in museums, unless I am really interested in them. But I did this time, reading both English and Chinese words. (I am proud that I am still able to read almost all Chinese characters:DD..but not so for arO xP) I was really captivated by the story that I was reading along the gallery walk, and took longer glances at Mr Lee's belongings.The videos and his voice played were still as inspirational, regardless of how many times I have listened.  He was a man, who have decided to take a different and challenging path in life, based on his conviction and experience through Japanese Occupation. I could still remember, especially one part of the video, that he said,  "As the saying goes, some are born great, some seek greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them. Well, we have independence thrust upon us. And by god we grab it with both our hands. If it is so, then I say, right, so be it. Mine- I keep, I defend. For you. For me. This belongs to all Singaporeans."  His conviction and sheer determination had made me reflect on the things I experienced throughout my so-called "difficult" life, explore the different perspectives of the situation, and thinking a bigger picture.  

I used to really dislike the way people see me when I was still a student-  A teacher- to-be, suitable for teaching. As if they could predict my future. Well..it really happened, and it irked me. Thinking back, what other job would I do if I was given a choice to choose?  But now, it doesnt really matter anymore. Through Mr Lee, I believe I can do more. Although I am not like 十万个为什么的乌拉博士 who can answer all sort of questions that my students posed, I could explore the different perspectives with them, inculcate the right values and skills amidst their different perspectives, and challenge their perspectives to broaden their way of thinking.

The last part of the memorial exhibition was Mr Lee's 遗照, the state flag that was used to drape over Mr Lee's coffin during state of funeral, as well as the condolences cards from people from all walks of life. I tried hard to fight back tears, I tried.

Mr Lee's passing was still as impactful on me. He has motivated me to imagine and to do far more that I can do now. Well,  I am just afraid that it is just in the heat of the moment, and slowly I will be back to my comfort zone. It is a struggle in need of some sort of clarification and enlightenment.  On a brighter note,  I have learnt to be selfless in giving, and above all, to ask myself what I can do (not only for my family & friends), for Singapore:') 

One step, at a time:)


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