In deeper thought.

Finally June holiday has arrived, and the best thing is that I don't have to go back for any meeting during the one month break. Only for this time, for our March holiday was committed to school stuff. It would be a perfect time for holiday, BUT I choose to stay in Singapore in the end (despite contemplation to go on  solo trip). Oh well.. reason that I have given was that I just returned back to Singapore from US, so don't want to travel so fast again. But I think procrastination is the main culprit:X

Although I will be staying in for one month, I am glad that I have followed what I have planned for myself pretty fine:3 From meeting up with friends to cooking/baking spree with my mum, to being active by running at least twice per week, I am proud that I have followed through pretty well:D More exciting things ahead, with 2 upcoming staycation and other activities which I am still planning!:) Hope it will be a GREAT one month break  for me! Haha.

On a side note, I am pretty disturbed by so many accidents and incidents that have been happening around me.. from the news that MQ's friend has passed away to my not-so-close WSC friend who went missing (but found), to Korea's MERS, to China's cruise accident, and recently (which I am really concerned about) earthquake at KK. So many things, happened one after another. 真的是,一波未平,一波又起:(  At this moment, I realized the fragility of lives, be it caused by 天灾或, 人祸. Lives can be taken away so subtly, so unexpectedly without any warning. This also makes me cherish my life, and the time spent with the people around me even more.

What I find myself struggling internally now, is doing what I want and can do, and how to go about doing it. The passing of Mr Lee has been a great realization for me to do what truly worth doing. Nevertheless, I guess I am still "swimming" with uncertainty as to what I want and can do.  So many wants, but need to evaluate which are "cans" and how to do them.

May I find the light and path that I want soon.

And hey, I have a new combi blend of 5 elements: ABCDE. Appreciation. Belief. Confidence. Determination. Enthusiasm :DD

Let's go, moOn!:D


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