Yoz! My brother was laughing me last night when I was telling them some of the cheers learnt in NYJC.
I was demostrating alot of cheers to them such as:
Brrr, it's cold in here ( I did that "cold" action), that must be sb in the atmosphere X2
Woo(my eyes big big looked at them), it's hot in here, that must be Ming Hui in the atmosphere X2
Oh eh oh eh oh eh hot, hot ,hot X2 ( I fanned myself)
They were laughing like crazy, say me abit "ding dong"
LOLS. I ignored and continued to introduce some more cheers to them including the Toyko Drift one! Hahahas.=D

Today.It was a really nervous and freezing day. XD
My hands were icy cold. I was afraid to go.
Went for checkup and my tears came out ( only abit, i am brave, alrite =D). ( but ahh malu myself :X)
I was feeling very paiseh coz doctor even had to apologize to me. XD
Under some medication though but then I am fine for now =D
I am really very grateful to both my parents bcoz they accompany me to go see doctor from 12.30p.m till 5 plus p.m.
THANKS PAPA AND MUMMY for your care, concern and accompany! =D I will really take good care of myself de! =)
Oh ya, S-pop ppl smsed me! I was really excited! Shijie too!
I am going to 405 gathering tmr too! Hehex then i will discuss with shijie how to go to the S-pop distinations XD Looking forward to tmr and the S-pop!!!!!

Also, today is really really freezing cold! XD
It had been pouring incessantly, from day till night, days and days, juz like a running tap.
I feel like I am in Genting right now!
Oh, I can't believe that right here in Singapore, I can still feel the coldness which i think it can be only be felt in other countries, most probably with four seasons.
I feel that I am in the winter season rite now XD
How I wish that the field in front of my house is covered with snow when i open my eyes the next morning! Hahas, I know it's juz my wishful thinking though.
But, thinking seriously, why is there this extreme weather?
I think the masterminds are the global warming, CO2 and human beings!
I never feel this "extreme" cold in Singapore before.
But this time, surprisingly, I feel it.
Is it a good sign or a bad sign?
I can't really determine.
I really, sincerely hope to help protect the world's environment and conserve wildlife!
So my msg to the people out there who acted recklessly which harm the environment:
Pause to think;
Choose to consider;
Act with no regret!=D

Hoping for a better and environmental-friendly world for all the people to live in.=D


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